Het INCiTiS-FOOD project introduceert circulaire agro-voedingstechnologieën, -praktijken en -bedrijfsmodellen in Afrikaanse steden om voedselonzekerheid en proteïne te korten tegen te gaan. Ze promoten daarnaast een vermindering van het land en water gebruik.
What can we do to improve food and nutrition security (FNS) in African city regions? And what can we do to and reduce the food-system-related environmental footprint while contributing to circularity? This simple question was the basic guideline in setting the objectives of INCiTiS-FOOD (Integrated and Circular Technologies for Sustainable city region FOOD systems in Africa). The project’s objectives are to enhance African city region food systems such that they address the four dimensions of FNS:
- availability of nutritious and safe food through local production;
- food access, including affordability;
- food utilization, including reduction of food waste;
- food stability at all times.
Furthermore, the project will empower communities by opening up opportunities for agri-food businesses along the supply and value chain and will achieve environmental justice through transformative food policies.
This is done through interdisciplinary research, integrated best-fit technologies, stakeholder led action, capacity-building, research-practitioner-policy collaborative engagement, and Europe-Africa partnerships in 8 African Living labs.