Monitor Verduurzaming Voedselketen (M3V)
De voedselconsumptie- en productie in Nederland gaat gepaard met ecologische en sociale duurzaamheidsproblemen op verschillende plekken in de keten. In de Monitor Voortgang Verduurzaming Voedselketens (M3V) worden de belangrijkste duurzaamheidskwesties in de voedselketens van verschillende productcategorieën via zogenaamde hotspots in kaart gebracht en jaarlijks gemonitord, om zodoende inzicht te geven in de mate van verduurzaming. Dit gebeurt in opdracht LNV. De Alliantie Verduurzaming Voedsel (AVV) begeleidt het onderzoek samen met LNV.
The M3V distinguishes two phases. In the first phase, a framework is set up to visualize the progress in sustainability. This mapping consists of naming the hotspots in the chain of a product group, based on the method used by The Sustainability Consortium (TSC). These hotspots are then linked to public monitoring systems that monitor the development of these sustainability issues. In addition, experts in the chain are asked via a questionnaire or interview about the sustainability aspects for which there is currently no monitor or no data. In the second phase, this framework is applied on the basis of the available data from the monitoring systems and questionnaires. The annual developments of a sustainability issue are compared with the performance of the past 5-10 years and the future policy goals that are set by government or industry.
The purpose of the M3V is to set up a framework which is the basis of monitor of the (progress in) sustainability of food in the Netherlands. This concerns sustainability in all the different links of the food chain. This framework has been set up in recent years for Animal Protein and Fish (DEV), Potatoes, Vegetables and Fruit (AGF) and Dry Groceries (DKW). In the 2022, this framework will also be set up for Tropical Fruit and Drinks. The project result consists of a one-off method report (framework per group of products) and an annual update of the progress of sustainability per product group, based on the results of the annual Sustainable Food Monitor.
The M3V shows on which important sustainability issues the Netherlands has made sufficient or (too) little progress in recent years. This insight can form input for the consultation between government and the business community and for prioritizing the policy agenda. Sustainability can thus be achieved more quickly, which contributes to a more sustainable food offering for Dutch consumers.
Monitor voortgang verduurzaming voedselketens : Droge kruidenierswaren
Wageningen: Wageningen Economic Research (Rapport / Wageningen Economic Research 2023-092) - ISBN: 9789464477375 -
Monitor Voortgang Verduurzaming Voedselketens : Update 2024 Aardappelen, Groenten en Fruit
Den Haag: Wageningen Economic Research (Report 2024-061) -
Monitor Voortgang Verduurzaming Voedselketens : Update 2024 Dierlijk Eiwit en Vis
Den Haag: Wageningen Economic Research (Report 2024-062) -
Leiden keurmerken tot lagere milieu-impact? : verkenning van mogelijke manieren om de impact van topkeurmerken te meten
Wageningen: Wageningen Economic Research (Report / Wageningen Economic Research 2024-087)