Nature-based Solutions for Climate Resilient and Circular Food Systems
Nature-based solutions are claimed to positively contribute to food security under climate change conditions. However, the knowledge underpinning this claim is fragmented and insufficiently existent. This project aimed to improve our understanding about nature-based solutions in the context of food systems at risks due to climate change.
Case studies are used to improve understanding of different types of pathways and interventions that are inspired by or make use of natural processes. We have tried to include underpinning mechanisms as well as their potentials and limitations in achieving food security and maintaining (and/or increasing) biodiversity and circularity under climate change.
Nature-based solutions en hun bijdragen aan transities richting een circulaire en klimaatneutrale toekomst : Een verkenning van vijf casussen uit het KB programma Nature Based Solutions for Circulair and Climate Neutral Food Systems van Wageningen University & Research
Wageningen: Wageningen Environmental Research (Rapport / Wageningen Environmental Research 3278) -
Nature-based solutions for climate-resilient and circular food systems : A first step towards an economic evaluation
Wageningen: Wageningen Economic Research (Report / Wageningen Economic Research 2023-021) - ISBN: 9789464476798 -
Mapping opportunities for rainwater harvesting and forest landscape restoration in Ghana’s Bono-East region : a participatory modelling approach
Wageningen: Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation (Report / Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation WCDI-22-231) -
Knowledge needs in realising the full potential of seaweed for world food provisioning
Global Food Security (2023), Volume: 37 - ISSN 2211-9124 -
Breeding for enhanced attraction of natural enemies by crop plants
Herbal-rich grassland as Nature-based Solution for climate resilient and circular food systems
Ecoprofielen – naar een effectieve inzet van natuurlijke vijanden op kool : Notitie werkzaamheden 2021 - sluipwespen
Nature based solutions: What contaminants/ adulteration / misidentification can be involved in using herbs and spices?
Nature based solutions: how practices of small-scale farming using herbal remedies can be up scaled for more intensive systems
Literature review exploring the options of herbs in grasslands in the Netherlands : Effects on resilience and robustness of cattle and the ability to cope with heat stress
Wageningen: Wageningen Food Safety Research (Rapport / Wageningen Food Safety Research WSFR 2022.017)