Nature-inclusive agriculture: from revenue models in niches to upscaling
This project examines the conditions under which nature-inclusive agricultural revenue models can be realised on a larger scale in the medium term. For this purpose, we investigate agricultural innovators and regional collaboration initiatives, who are involved in nature-inclusive agriculture. On the one hand, these initiatives offer insight into the possibilities and, on the other hand, it becomes clear what the economic, environmental and legal barriers are that these driven entrepreneurs face. The question is how nature-inclusive agriculture can become a mainstream agricultural practice.
At the heart of this project are the following questions: What are the preconditions for achieving a system change for the benefit of nature-inclusive agriculture? What are the opportunities that promote scaling up and what are the barriers that hinder change? Is there a role for the government in removing barriers, and if so, how?
Natuurinclusieve landbouw: van niches naar mainstream (fase 1)
Wageningen: Wageningen Economic Research (Wageningen Economic Research nota 2019-033) -
Van A naar Biodiversiteit : Op weg naar een natuurinclusieve landbouw
Wageningen: Wageningen Economic Research (Rapport / Wageningen Economic Research 2020-043) - ISBN: 9789463953955 -
Verrijken, benutten en sparen : Bewegen richting natuurinclusieve landbouw
Gebiedsgericht samenwerken aan natuurinclusieve landbouw
Nature-inclusive agriculture and businessmodels: from niche to mainstraim
Oog voor natuurinclusieve initiatieven
Vakblad Natuur Bos Landschap (2022), Volume: 19, Issue: 185 - ISSN 1572-7610 - p. 12-15. -
Nature positive transitions: 4-years of societal impact
Wageningen: Wageningen University & Research -
Verdienmodellen voor natuurinclusieve landbouw : Stand van zaken en hoe nu verder
Wageningen: Wageningen Plant Research (Rapport / Wageningen Plant Research, Business unit Open Teelten WPR-OT-1063)