Ontwikkeling en onderbouwing van hogere-tier benaderingen voor blootstelling van bijen in kader van NL en EU toelating
Scientific Opinion on the science behind the development of a risk assessment of Plant Protection Products on bees (Apis mellifera, Bombus spp. and solitary bees)
EFSA Journal (2012), Volume: 10, Issue: 5 - ISSN 1831-4732 -
EFSA Guidance Document on the risk assessment of plant protection products on bees (Apis mellifera, Bombus spp. and solitary bees)
EFSA Journal (2013), Volume: 11, Issue: 7 - ISSN 1831-4732 -
Linking of exposure and effects in higher tiers of the assessment of the risk of pesticides to honeybees as proposed in the EFSA guidance document
Factoren die het foerageergedrag van honingbijen bepalen (deel I); Dracht in Nederland (cultuurgewassen en wilde planten) (deel II)
Wageningen: Plant Research International (Rapport 606) -
An energetics-based honeybee nectarforaging model used to assess the potential for landscape-level pesticide exposure dilution
PeerJ (2016), Volume: 4 - ISSN 2167-8359 -
Specifications for field data collection contributing to honey bee model corroboration and verification
EFSA Supporting Publications (2017), Volume: 14, Issue: 5 - ISSN 2397-8325 -
Het INSIGNIA project : Bijenvolken als levende snuffelpaal
Bijenhouden (2019), Volume: 2019, Issue: 4 - ISSN 1877-9786 - p. 22-23. -
Guideline for apicultural citizen science to apply the honey bee colony for bio-monitoring of the environment
Beebread consumption by honey bees is fast : results of a six-week field study
Journal of Apicultural Research (2021), Volume: 60, Issue: 5 - ISSN 0021-8839 - p. 659-664.