Preventie en bestrijding van Aviaire Influenza
The Veterinary Epidemiology and Risk Analysis Group provides the government with knowledge, expertise, methods and facilities that are indispensable to the government for the implementation of national and international laws and regulations and for other government tasks of national and/or public interest. It mainly focuses on notifiable animal diseases, including a large number of zoonoses, such as avian influenza. A strategy has been drawn up with regard to dealing with AI, and within this project research will take place into one or more research priorities from this strategy.
Controlling Avian Influenza (AI) is a government responsibility. In the past year, a new countermeasure strategy for AI has been discussed with the sector, which also identifies a number of research priorities. Within this project, a data model will be developed that will lead to structured, efficient and continuous (renewed) integration of different data sources for the production of updated results by means of analytical models to be developed. Such a data model will lead to faster, more efficient and cheaper development of new analysis methods and answering the questions of the future. This data model can be used to support decisions of e.g. provinces when it comes to the location policy of new poultry farms to be established.