Samenvattende conclusies over KB programma
In May 2020 the core team has evaluated to overall program and concluded that the program is well on track to reach its overall goal: ‘Develop knowledge to provide the necessary building blocks for (the transition to) a circular and climate neutral society that ensures climate restoration”. It was decided that the program does not need additional research lines. Yet in 2021 more attention should go to synthesis & consolidation of the existing research lines, focusing on impact and valorization of the projects and program.
This project addresses 2 important ambitions of the KB program 1) visualization of the circular climate neutral society and 2) synthesizing papers, on project overarching topics. Individual projects may have conclusions that impact the research lines of other projects in KB. The foreseen synthesizing papers will make connections between project outcomes, provide insights in tradeoffs between different subcycles in the circular climate neutral society, and tries to visualize the circular climate neutral society by sketching an images of the future circular household. The studied topics are:1) food safety hazards in the circular food production system 2) Management of transitions, 3) Circular mariculture 4) living in a future circular household.
Achieving land degradation neutrality : A robust soil system forms the basis for nature-based solutions
Land (2021), Volume: 10, Issue: 12 - ISSN 2073-445X -
Review of food safety hazards in circular food systems in Europe
Food Research International (2022), Volume: 158 - ISSN 0963-9969 -
What Does the Circular Household of the Future Look Like? An Expert-Based Exploration
Land (2022), Volume: 11, Issue: 7 - ISSN 2073-445X -
Shared cars and homegrown vegetables: households in 2050