Transformative Rotations for AdaptatioN and Sustainable Future, Outcome and Resilience Mapping (TRANSFORM).
The aim of TRANSFORM is to develop climate-resilient rotations for and with farms in North West Europe. Rotations are the successions of crops over the years and the farm's cropping plan.
The aim of TRANSFORM is to develop climate-resilient rotations for and with farms in North West Europe. Rotations are the successions of crops over the years and the farm's cropping plan. TRANSFORM's innovations will help farmers to better prepare and respond to climate change. In the Netherlands, TRANSFORM focuses on two regions, Drenthe and Brabant/Zeeland, while in
the other NWE countries there are also about six regions. TRANSFORM is bottom-up in its approach, working with farmers and regional stakeholders to come up with innovative rotations that work for the region, and that can be included in regional roadmaps, for further roll-out and scale-up. TRANSFORM has been funded under Horizon Europe's climate investments, supporting regional climate innovations that work. TRANSFORM's sub-innovations are 1. Starting from a regional needs analysis of stakeholders in the regions for climate adaptation problems in agricultural crops; 2. An online tool for farmers to build alternative rotations that are climate-resilient; 3. A toolbox to explore the socio-economic and environmental impact of innovations in agriculture; 4. Participatory methods to scale up the identified innovations to larger application in regional plans.