PhD Alumni

Are you curious about what you will be able to do once you have finished your PhD degree at Wageningen University & Research at the Agricultural Economics and Rural Policy Group (AEP)? These PhD alumni from AEP tell you all about the work that they do now and how their PhD experience helped them to become successful. Click on their picture for the full interview

PhD Alumni

Evert Los
Graduated: 2021
Current job: Lecturer
Nationality: Dutch

Anouschka Groeneveld
Graduated: 2018
Current job: Researcher
Nationality: Dutch

Yan Jin
Graduated: 2021
Current job: Postdoctoral researcher
Nationality: Chinese

Carlos Moreno Miranda
Graduated: 2023
Current job: Associate Professor
Nationality: Ecuadorian

Isaac Ansah
Graduated: 2021
Current job: University lecturer
Nationality: Ghanese

Gianmaria Tassinari
Graduated: 2023
Current job: Contract agent at Joint Research Centre (EC)
Nationality: Italian

Dadan Wardhana
Graduated: 2018
Current job: Civil servant of the Government of Bandung Regency
Nationality: Indonesian