Courses and minors
Below you find our courses, organised per period. When you click on a course, a window will open with the information from the Study Handbook.
Particularly when designing your individual programme of studies, questions may arise as to what courses to take. For personal advice please contact our education coordinator at education.cpt@wur.nl.
Students from other universities and professionals are welcome to participate in CPT-courses. If you consider to attend a course, please contact the Student Service Centre.
Period 1
Course | Coordinator | Time | |
Social Psychology | Marijn Poortvliet (COM) | AF | CPT 10806 |
Introduction to Strategic Communication | Sanne Kruikemeier (COM) | MO | CPT 12306 |
Introduction to Technology, Agro-ecology and Development | Birgit Boogaard (KTI) | MO | CPT 21304 |
Introduction to Communication and Innovation Studies | Cees Leeuwis (KTI) | MO | CPT 23804 |
Research Methods for Communication Sciences | Amy van der Heijden (COM) | MO | CPT 25306 |
Advanced Communication Science | Annemarie van Paassen (KTI) | AF | CPT 33806 |
Science Communication 2.0: Dialogue and Transdisciplinarity | Katharine Legun (COM) | MO | CPT 38006 |
Analysing Discourse: Theories, Metods and Techniques | Marleen Buizer (COM) | MO | CPT 56306 |
Food ethics: habits, moral choices, worldviews | Jan van der Stoep (PHI) | AF | CPT 57003 |
Food Security and Sustainability: Food Access | Sietze Vellema (KTI) | MOOC | CPT 57302 |
Applied Ethics | Leon van Pijnenburg (PHI) | AF | CPT 65000 |
Period 2
Code | Course | Coordinator | Time |
CPT 12806 | Communication Theory | Rico Lie (KTI) | AF |
CPT 15303 | Science, Technology and Society | Norbert Peeters (PHI) | MO |
CPT 15806 | Philosophy of Communication and Society | Leon Pijnenburg (PHI) | AF |
CPT 22306 | Communicating for Sustainability and Responsible Innovation | Phil Macnaghten (KTI) | AF |
CPT 22806 | Innovation and Transformation | Eva Meijer (KTI) | AF |
CPT 23306 | Persuasion in Consumer Communication for Sustainability | Daniel Fisher (COM) | MO |
CPT 25806 | Tourism Development and Planning | Jasper de Vries (COM) | WD |
CPT 37306 | Politics of Knowledge and Inclusive Innovation | David Ludwig (KTI) | AF |
CPT 56806 | Embodiment, Food and Environment | Harro Maat (KTI) | AF |
CPT 57003 | Food and Agricultural Ethics: Habits, Moral Choices, Worldviews | Jan van der Stoep (PHI) | AF |
CPT 57302 | Food Security and sustainability: Food Access | Sietze Velema (KTI) | MOOC |
CPT 58306 | African Philosophy | Birgit Boogaard (KTI) | MO |
Period 3
Code | Course | Coordinator | Time |
CPT 16303 | Communication and Technology | Bob Mulder (COM) | MO |
CPT 25806 | Tourism Development & Planning | Jasper de Vries (COM) | WD |
CPT 26306 | Cross-Cultural Studies | Rico Lie (KTI) | WD |
CPT 35306 | Communication and Organisations | Margit van Wessel (COM) | WD |
CPT 37806 | Researching Socio-Technical Practices, Innovation and Responsible Futures | Sietze Vellema (KTI) | WD |
CPT 55403 | Intercultural Perspectives: Moral Status of Animals and Humans | Jan van der Stoep, Annabelle Dufourcq (PHI) | MO |
CPT 57302 | Food Security and Sustainability: Food Access | Sietze Vellema (KTI) | MOOC |
CPT 60306 | Facilitating Interactive Processes | Annemarie van Paassen (KTI) | WD |
Period 4
Code | Course | Coordinator | Time |
CPT 24306 | Risk Communication | Marijn Poortvliet (COM) | WD |
CPT 26306 | Cross-cultural Studies | Rico Lie (KTI) | WD |
CPT 30806 | Social Justice, Technology and Development | Birgit Boogaard (KTI) | WD |
HSO 32303 | Data Types for Health Promotion | Sophie Boerman (COM) | WD |
CPT 35806 | Intercultural Communication | Rico Lie (KTI) | WD |
CPT 36806 | Critical Reflection on Research in International Development Practice | Harro Maat (KTI) | WD |
CPT 55206 | Philosophical Reflection on Science, Society and the Good Life | Leon Pijnenburg (PHI) | WD |
CPT 56006 | Introduction to Global One Health | Norbert Peeters (PHI) | WD |
CPT 57302 | Food Secutity and Sustainability: Food Access | Sietze Vellema (KTI) | MOOC |
CPT 57802 | Institutions and Societal Transformation | Sietze Vellema (KTI) | AF |
CPT 58802 | Visual Research Methods | Rico Lie (KTI) | WD |
YSS 60806 | Cutting Edge Issues in Development and Rural Innovation | Eva Meijer (KTI) | WD |
Period 5
Code | Course | Coordinator | Time |
CPT 10303 | Ethics and Philosophy for Biologists | Bernice Bovenkerk (PHI) | AF |
CPT 11806 | Technology, Development and Natural Resources | Sietze Vellema (KTI) | MO |
CPT 14306 | Life Sciences for Communication Scientists | Bob Mulder (COM) | MO |
CPT 21806 | Communication, Power and Politics | Margit van Wessel (COM) | AF |
CPT 22806 | Innovation and Transformation | Phil Macnaghten (KTI) | AF |
CPT 26306 | Cross-cultural Studies | Rico Lie (KTI) | WD |
CPT 32306 | Interventions for Health Behaviour Change | Joanne Leerlooijer (COM) | MO |
CPT 32806 | Change, Inter-human Processes and Communication | Marleen Buizer (COM) | AF |
CPT 33306 | Communication Strategies in Everyday Life | Sanne Kruikemeier (COM) | MO |
CPT 37806 | Researching Socio-Technical Practices, Innovation and Futures | Sietze Vellema (KTI) | AF |
CPT 53806 | Internet-based Communication and Learning for Social Change | Katharine Legun (COM) | AF |
CPT 55503 | Philosophical Skills | t.b.a. (PHI) | AF |
CPT 55806 | Introduction in Philosophy | Vincent Blok (PHI) | AF |
CPT 57302 | Food Security and Sustainability: Food Access | Sietze Vellema (KTI) | MOOC |
CPT 58802 | Visual Research Methods | Rico Lie (KTI) | WD |
CPT 65000 | Applied Ethics | Leon Pijnenburg (PHI) | AF |
CPT 65100 | Knowledge Hurts | Ludger van Dijk (PHI) | AF |
YSS 60806 | Cutting Edge Issues in Development and Rural Innovation | Eva Meijer (KTI) | WD |
Period 6
Code | Course | Coordinator | Time |
CPT 13306 | Designing Communication Interventions | Amy van der Heijden (COM) | MO |
CPT 13806 | Ethics, Health and Society (in Dutch) | Ludger van Dijk (PHI) | AF |
CPT 26306 | Cross-cultural Studies | Rico Lie (KTI) | WD |
CPT 30503 | Data Science Ethics | Vincent Blok (PHI) | AF |
CPT 56802 | Embodiment, Food and Environment | Harro Maat (KTI) | WD |
CPT 57302 | Food Security and Sustainability: Food Access | Sietze Vellema (KTI) | MOOC |
YSS 60806 | Cutting Edge Issues in Development and Rural Innovation | Eva Meijer (KTI) | WD |
CPT Online
Code | Course | Coordinator | |
CPT 57302 | Food Security and Sustainability: Food Access | Sietze Vellema (KTI) |
Effective Communication in Life Science Contexts (WUECL)
The advanced BSc Minor Communication, Research and Practice deals with several aspects of the relation between scientific research and communication practice. In their future work, many students with a life science or social science background will be confronted with societal responses to research findings, the setting of research agenda’s in support of societal innovation, and the design of communication research as a preparation for communication planning. In this minor students come to grips with the different ways in which communication can relate to research.
Risk communication
CPT-24306 | period 4 | whole day | compulsory course
Research for Effective Communication
CPT-34806 | period 5 | morning | compulsory course
Designing Communication Interventions
CPT-13306 | period 6 | morning | compulsory course
Innovation and Transformation
CPT-22806 | period 5 | afternoon | restricted optional course 1
Internet-based Communication and Learning for Social Change
CPT-53806 | period 5 | afternoon | restricted optional course 1
Communication for Change (WUCCH)
The BSc Minor Communication for Change gives students a comprehensive introduction to the interdisciplinary field of applied communication sciences. After a general introduction, the BSc minor offers basic insight in social psychological mechanisms and offers specialised courses to zoom in first on communication and individual change, and later on communication and organisational change.
Communication and Persuasion
CPT-23306 | period 2 | morning | compulsory course
Communication and Organisations
CPT-35306 | period 3 | whole day | compulsory course
Social Psychology
MCB-10806 | period 1 | afternoon | restricted optional course 1
Introduction to Strategic Communication
CPT-12306 | period 1 | morning | restricted optional course 1
Communication Theory
CPT-12806 | period 2 | afternoon | restricted optional course 1
Communication, Health and Society (WUCHS)
This BSc minor provides students with an in-depth understanding of multiple social and bio-physical environmental determinants of health, and their interaction at the individual, local and global level. The BSc minor combines expertise from health psychology, social psychology, health promotion, epidemiology and communication. Overall, the BSc minor aims to give students insight into the multiple causes of and solutions for health issues, to understand the interdependence of the causes and teach them how to address problems through health promotion actions, strategic communication and policy.
Introduction to Strategic Communication
CPT-12306 | period 1 | morning | compulsory course
Environmental Assets for Health
HSO-20306 | period 2 | morning | compulsory course
Health Psychology
HSO-20806 | period 3 | whole day | compulsory course
Introduction to Epidemiology and Public Health
HNE-24806 | period 1 | afternoon | restricted optional course 1
Social Psychology
MCB-10806 | period 1 | afternoon | restricted optional course 1
Communication Theory
CPT-12806 | period 2 | afternoon | restricted optional course
Philosophy (WUPHI)
Philosophy literally means: love of wisdom, but we see it first and foremost as asking and exploring very basic questions: about what knowledge is and how to attain it, about our relationship to the world, and about how we should live. In philosophy, it is common to ask questions about things we normally just take for granted. Does the world exist? Can we trust our senses? Can we have knowledge about what is right or wrong? What is happiness? It is a bit like children who can continue asking "why is that so?" This might sound silly sometimes, but it can also lead to new insights. Wisdom is maybe not to know a lot, but, much more, to be aware of the limitations of what one can know. And we can find those limits only by continuing to ask questions.
Philosophy is not always abstract and theoretical, it can be very practical. For example when we try to to give good ethical reasons for choices we should make, in policy or in private life. Can it be justified for the government to require parents to have their children vaccinated? Is it right to kill animals for food? Do we have obligations to future generations, if it comes to reducing climate change? These questions require careful reflection and analysis. But they also raise deep controversies and conflicting views. Can systematic thinking help overcoming such conflicts?
In the minor we do not only study and discuss ethical and philosophical themes. We also practice specific ways of reasoning, with the aim to develop skills in critical thinking. This includes, for example, argumentation analysis and thought experiments, but also specific forms of deliberation, such as Socratic dialogue. Students interested in philosophy or applied ethics can deepen their skills in critical reflection, acquire a broader understanding of philosophical traditions, and engage in ethical analysis of societal problems in the Wageningen domain that (includes but also) goes beyond the specific domain of their own study program.
Philosophical reflection
CPT-55206 | Period 5 | afternoon | compulsory course
Philosophical Skills
CPT-55503 | period 4 | whole day | compulsory course
Ethics, Health and Society
CPT-13806 | Period 5 | afternoon | compulsory course
Data Science Ethics
CPT-30503 | Period 6 | afternoon | compulsory course
Current Ethical Controversies
CPT-55303 | Period 6 | afternoon | compulsory course
Ethics and Philosophy for Biologists
CPT-10303 | Period 5 | afternoon | restricted choice
Response & Reflection in Molecular Life Science
YML20303 | Period 5 | afternoon | restricted choice