Become a tutor
Do you like working with (fellow) students, are you interested in supporting them in their personal development and facilitating their learning process in skills education? At ELS we are always looking for enthusiastic students who would like to assist during one or more of our Presentation & Reflection Skills courses, which are taught throughout the academic year (every period).
Your role as a tutor
Presentation & reflection skills are taught in many different Bachelor/Master programmes at WUR. In three sessions, we teach students how to become an effective presenter. To develop their presenting skills, students deliver short presentations in small groups of 8 students. Tutoring within Presentation & reflection skills includes facilitating the first two sessions in which students practice with giving presentations. We ask you to attend the plenary part of the session (only the first time, facilitated by a trainer) and facilitate the second part (1,5h) independently.
In short, your role as a tutor is to:
- Facilitate a safe learning environment in which students can provide each other with constructive feedback.
- Manage the tutor session to finish in the given time and relay any questions from the students to the trainer.
Being prepared for tutoring
We will prepare you for tutoring before the first session starts, so that you are familiar with all the ins and outs of tutoring. We do so in different ways:
- Via our online tutor team (MS Teams) where you can find all necessary information/instructions about tutoring, such as short recordings.
- Via an instruction meeting about tutoring;
- Via a Whatsapp group in which all tutors and (some) trainers will be included to share questions/answers and last-minute issues.
The tutor introduction meeting is mandatory if its your first time tutoring in our courses.
Time investment
A course is generally three sessions – mornings or afternoons. We ask you to be present during the first two sessions.
Experienced tutors (tutors who have attended the new instruction meeting and assessment meeting from September 2023 on) do not need to attend the tutor introduction meeting again when they are tutoring next time (they are then considered an experienced tutor).
Next to the fact that tutoring at ELS is all about supporting your own development, you will be financially compensated. It is also possible to receive credits alongside a financial compensation.
Financial compensation
The financial compensation for tutoring concerns a volunteer compensation. Please be informed about the rules and regulations of the Dutch Belastingdienst concerning volunteer compensations.
If it is your first time tutoring one of our courses since September 2023, you will be compensated € 47,50 for one group. For this, your presence at the introduction meeting about tutoring, the first two tutoring sessions.
(First time) tutors who tutor more than one course do not have to follow multiple introduction meetings.
In case you have tutored groups before, meaning you have attended our tutor introduction meeting (from September 2023) about tutoring you will be compensated € 37,50 for one group (experienced tutor 1).
If you tutor additional groups in the same period you will be compensated
€ 37,50 per extra group.
Tutors that tutored before September 2023 should know that you are no longer expected to grade any student work.
Financial compensation overview
Presentation & reflection skills (P&RS) / Presentatie & reflectievaardigheden (P&RV):
One group with tutor introduction session | € 47,50 |
One group without tutor introduction session | € 37.50 |
+ additional group | € 37,50 extra |
The Art of Public Speaking (TAPS) with 3 sessions:
One group | € 112,50 |
+ additional group | € 100,00 extra |
Getting credits for your tutor work
It is possible to go for a learning trajectory and earn 3 credits for your tutor work by following the course Teaching and Learning in Higher Education taught in period 6. If you choose this option, you start with making a plan of what skills you want to develop during your tutoring job. After having done an intake with Nienke Hingstman (coordinator of the orientation programme for Teaching and Training), you write this plan in which you define your goals, and the actions you want to undertake to reach these goals.
Then, during the year you have to teach tutor 4 groups – probably spread over a few periods instead of teaching them all simultaneously. Still, at least one of these tutor groups need to be tutored in period 6 because then the course is taught in which we organize group sessions to discuss your teaching practices.
NB. You will not loose your voluntary fee when you opt for credits. The learning trajectory will assist you in becoming a better tutor though and creates a basis for future tutoring or teaching tasks.
If you are interested in this learning trajectory, please contact us, so that we can plan an intake meeting with Nienke Woldman.
Interested? That’s great!
If you are interested in tutoring, please contact us via office.els@wur.nl and send along your phone number. We will scheduele you as a tutor if there are places available or we will put your name on our mailing list. In thas case, we will contact you via email (per period) about the courses we need tutors for. You can unsubscribe from this mailing at any time.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We hope to see you as a tutor in one of our courses!