Educators and nature education institutions in several representative regions of China
Education is critical in supporting sustainability in both environmental and human development efforts. Nature-based educators play an important role in converting the global consensus on sustainable development from concept to tangible action, as well as supporting future generation's holistic development.
Despite the global variety of nature education practices, less research has been conducted on various types of nature educators. A well-developed research paradigm in the fieldof sustainability exists in the West for sustainable development. As it is a common topicof allhuman, It's crucial to direct more study efforts toward non-Western environments to see how educators adapt notions of sustainable development to culturally specific views and actions.
Subject of this research will beeducators and nature education institutions in several representative regions of China. Itwill also examine how, at the system level, nature education embodies an approach of global exchange and integration, particularly within East Asian countries, and investigate the relationship between China's conception of nature and notions related to sustainable development. In addition, there will be a discussion onlocalized practiceofnature-basededucationin China, along with practitioners'reflection and action on educational equity in urban and rural minority areas.
This study will aid in understanding the dynamic development process of sustainable development education in China. In addition, a decolonized perspective will be examined, facilitating productive communication between the East and the West and advancing both the theory and practice of worldwide sustainable education through an examination of the localized practice of nature education in China.
Promotion team:
Prof.dr.ir. A.E.J (Arjen) Wals (ELS)
Dr. K.A.J. (Koen) Arts (FNP)
Hannah Wu - PhD Candidate