From carpenter or nurse to teacher: the professional identity development of VET second career teachers during their alternative certification programme
Our Vocational Education & Training (VET/ mbo) attracts an increasing number of career changers to become teachers.
These teachers bring valuable real-world experiences into the classroom. However, VET is still facing teacher shortages and a relatively high attrition rate of second career teachers. Recognizing that the development of a positive professional identity is crucial for teacher retention, this project investigates second career teachers’ transition into teaching through the lens of professional identity development during their Alternative Certification Programme (ACP/ PDG).
The primary aim of this research is to understand second career teachers’ professional identity development during the Alternative Certification Programme, taking into account their personal and prior professional identities, as well as other factors that either facilitate or hinder this development. The insights gained from this study will be instrumental in informing teacher education programs on how to better support professional identity development. Additionally, this project will contribute to the theoretical framework of the identity verification process, particularly in the context of developing multiple professional identities.
In this research various methods are used. A quantitative and longitudinal is applied to follow a cohort of starting second career teachers and also a qualitative interview study to gain a deeper understanding for selected cases. This will be followed by an design study to strengthen professional identity development in an ACP curriculum.
Promotion team:
Promotor: dr. Piety Runhaar
Co-promotor: dr. Harm Biemans
PhD – candidate: drs. Alice Middelkoop-Stijsiger