Teacher-student interaction in competence-based vocational education: evidence from Indonesia
The research is to investigate competence-based education in agricultural vocational education in Indonesia and patterns of teacher-student interaction in agricultural competence-based education in relation to students competence development.
About Zainun Misbah
Zainun Misbah was born in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. After graduating from Faculty of Cultural Sciences Gadjah Mada University in Yogyakarta-Indonesia in 2002, he worked as an administration staff member in Mathematics Teacher Training Development Center in Yogyakarta. After one year, he moved to Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia, working as a technical staff at the Ministry of Education and Culture. Awarded by Stuned-NESO scholarship, he continued to study for pursuing his MSc in Faculty of Behavioral and Social Sciences, University of Groningen – the Netherlands in 2006-2007. He went back to Indonesia as a technical staff in the Directorate General of Teachers and Educational Personnel (Ditjen GTK), Ministry of Education and Culture up to now, working on several projects dealing with teachers and educational personnel.
In 2009, he went back to the Netherlands for taking a short course in Competency-Based Learning hosted by MDF Training and Consultancy in Ede, the Netherlands. This two-weeks course motivated him to study further on competence-based education, and his application for PhD sandwich model in ECS, Wageningen School of Social Sciences was accepted. Therefore, he started his PhD project in ECS as of September 2010.
Research has shown that teachers play a significant role in nurturing students' attainment. In educational systems like competence-based education (CBE), teachers have different roles than the traditional (knowledge/content-based) one and so do the students. CBE is grounded in different pedagogical learning theory and aims to stimulate different learning outcomes. CBE aims at preparing students for the world of work and society, stimulating independent and lifelong learning, and making education attractive for students. It is hypothesized that this requires different kinds of teacher-student interaction in CBE compared to non-CBE. However, the development of students' competence, its connection to certain patterns of teacher-student interaction, and students’ perception thereof, are hardly studied overtime within context of competence-based vocational education. This project explores arising teacher-student interactions in competence based education, in relation to students’ learning motivation and competence development. This project aims to identify teacher-student interaction patterns for CBE that make (agricultural) vocational education more effective and attractive for students’ learning.
- Competence Based Education
- Competence Development
- Teacher-Student Interaction
- Agricultural Vocational Education
- Indonesia