ENP Research projects
The various research projects of the Environmental Policy group relate to the five research themes: Circularity, Biodiversity, Food, Climate, and Energy.
Featured research projects
Project Evidence-based Strategies to create Circular Hospitals: Applying the 10-Rs framework to healthcare (ESCH-R)
Project BeWild: Using novel technologies to monitor biodiversity at offshore wind farms
Project ANTARC-SHIP: Fostering environmental stewardship among Antarctic tourism governance actors and institutions
Project Climate change-related mobility in the borderlands
Project Transition Towards a Sustainable Food System
Project JustRES- Towards social and spatial justice in the Regional Energy Strategies of Overijssel
Project From Lock Down to Lock In? COVID19 changing social practices and transitioning to resilient, inclusive sustainable lifestyles
Project Transformative Potential of Transparency in Climate Governance (TRANSGOV)
Project Food Systems for Healthier Diets
Project Serious games as tools for institutional learning
Project Proactive Management of Antarctic Tourism (ProAct)
Project Governing wildlife practices in China's post-Covid food system
Project GAZO Gelderse Aanpak Zonnevelden met Omgevingskwaliteit: innovatieve participatie
Project Anticipatory Governance of Climate Engineering: Whether, What, How, Why?
Project Holi-DOCTOR: Holistic framework for DiagnOstiC and moniTORing of wind turbine blades
Project The water, energy, food, and health nexus: the case of informal settlements in Kampala, Uganda (PhD project - Tonny Ssekamatte)
Project Emergence and functioning of climate MRV systems in developing countries
Project RE-IMAGINE: how to anticipate and govern futures under climate change
Project UPWARDS: Understanding of the Physics of Wind Turbine and Rotor Dynamics through an Integrated Simulation Framework
Project Circular offshore aquaculture production in the Dutch North Sea (CIRCAQUA)
Project PFAS in agricultural applications: Towards ‘Safe and Sustainable by Design’
Project Laksmi Larastiti researches Fair Trade tuna for her thesis
Project Governing SDG interactions in East-Africa
Project Responsible design and use of Digital Twins in the life sciences.
Project Human mObility and cliMate change in the European context (HOME)
Project Cultural Heritage in Motion: Indigenous Knowledge and Mobile Livelihoods in Changing Climate (CuHeMo)
Project OR ELSE Project (Operational Recommendations for Ecosystem-based Large-scale Sand Extraction)
Project Improving the PERformance of MARine GOVernance (PERMAGOV)
Project Source to Seas Zero Pollution 2030 (SOS-ZEROPOL2030)
Project ShaRepair Practices
Project Blue4all
Archived projects
Supermarket supported area-based management and certification of aquaculture in Southeast Asia (SUPERSEAS)
The SUPERSEAS research project, short for ‘Supermarket supported area-based management and certification of aquaculture in Southeast... -
In the project Renewable Energy Governance in China and the EU (RenErGo), five Chinese and European research institutes were collaborating (project... -
Strategic Scientific Alliance on 'Sustainable Resource Management for Adequate and Safe Food Provision' (SURE+)
A group of researchers from Wageningen University and a number of research institutes is funded by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences... -
Cleaner Agro-Industries: Agro-industrial transformations toward sustainability: Southeast and East Asia in global perspective
The core subject of the project are "Industrial Transformations": the transformation of industries, industrial chains, industrial zones and... -
Resilience and vulnerability at the urban Nexus of food, water, energy and the environment (ResNexus)
Principles of area-based management and certification of aquaculture in Southeast Asia
Area-based management (AM) in aquaculture recognizes that the risk of any one farm is dependent on the quality of the wider environment within which... -
Development of Energy Education in the Mekong area (DEEM)
As the impacts of climate change accelerate, there is a strong need to also enhance support for the embedding of sustainable energy pathways in least... -
Energy measures at home: affecting family decision-making (BeGin)
Enhancing the Saliency of climate services for marine mobility Sectors in European Arctic Seas (SALIENSEAS)
The warming Arctic ocean has profound socio-economic consequences for local communities and various marine sectors. To make appropriate operational... -
Convergence and divergence in energy-related practices: Understanding demand in the Global South
In the Global South, primary energy demand is rising rapidly, leading to increased greenhouse gas emissions, local social and environmental impact,...

Cleaner Agro-Industries: Agro-industrial transformations toward sustainability: Southeast and East Asia in global perspective
The core subject of the project are "Industrial Transformations": the transformation of industries, industrial chains, industrial zones and... -
PERICLES: Preserving and sustainably governing Cultural heritage and Landscapes in European coastal and maritime regions
PERICLES project is an EU-funded research and innovation project running until 2021. The project promotes sustainable, participatory governance of... -
Options for Delivering Ecosystem-based Marine Management (ODEMM)
The EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive deals with the implementation of an ecosystem approach to marine environmental management, and the Habitats... -
Provide: Towards sustainable urban sanitation
The rapidly growing urban centres in Africa are facing major problems in clean water, sanitation and solid waste management, as also has been... -
All-Risk: meeting new flood safety norms in the Netherlands
RE-IMAGINE: how to anticipate and govern futures under climate change
The impact of area-based management on the feasibility of yield insurance for Southeast Asian aquaculture
Reflexive environmental risk governance of coastal urban centres in China: the role of e- participation
Industrial and urbanization processes, combined with the threat of climate change, put Chinese coastal urban areas at increasing environmental risk.... -
ENTIRE: ENabling susTainable Industrial development in Vietnamese delta’s: REducing, recycling and multi-sourcing industrial water
Planning in a liquid world with tropical stakes (PADDLE)

Next Generation Governance Arrangements for Sustainable Global Value Chains
Improving fisheries information and traceability for tuna
Improving fisheries information and traceability for tuna by helping companies provide information on their fishing activities. That is what The IFITT... -
Shrimp culture in mangrove ecosystems threatens the resilience of both livelihoods and fish communities dependent on mangrove forested coastal... -
Research programme: The urban Nexus of food, water, energy and the environment
This research programme at ENP aims to study the connections and trade-offs between the provisioning of water, energy and food in urban areas. We... -
Agriculture for Nutrition and Health (A4NH)
The CGIAR Research Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health, or A4NH, led by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), helps... -
Veni Project: Environmentally-related migration in the digital age
Dr. Ingrid Boas has been awarded a Veni grant – a personal grant under NWO’s innovation scheme – which will run until June 2021. -
Developing benefit-sharing standards in the Arctic: Toward coexistence of oil and gas companies and traditional indigenous communities
Arctic indigenous communities do not necessarily benefit from oil and gas extraction as it threatens their traditional livelihoods of hunting, fishing... -
Bring the Missing Middle: the case of pork and vegetable production and consumption in Vietnam
This PhD project examines the cases of pork and vegetable systems in Vietnam, considering the ongoing transitions of production and consumption... -
Beyond the reef: assessing ecosystem services arising from coral reef restoration to improve livelihoods in Shimoni, Kenya
Coral reefs are important marine ecosystems and are often described as 'underwater' tropical rain forests. Coastal protection, artisanal and... -
Enabling sustainable industrial development in Vietnamese deltas: reducing, recycling and multi-sourcing industrial water (ENTIRE)
Delta areas have a large economic importance; they form the connection between the resources of the main land and those of the sea. Industrial,...