Knowledge production is our core business. We want to generate science with impact and cooperate with many different partners. The strength of our own organization, Wageningen University and Research Centre (WUR) is its cooperation between beta and gamma scholars. We offer exciting combinations of technical details with social and poltitical issues.
The scholars of the Wageningen Centre of Governance work closely together with different academic capacity groups, such as the Animal Science Group, Economics, and Communication studies. We also cooperate with Alterra (a research institute for 'the green living environment'), with the Agricultural Economics Research Centre (Landbouw Economisch Instituut, LEI) and Specialised Research Institutes such as the Central Veterinary Institute.
We have been doing research projects for and with the following organisations:
- Ministries
- Municipalities
- Provinces
- Waterboards
- Research institutes
- Consultancy firms
- Non Governmental Organisations
- Advisory bodies to the government
- European Commission