Thesis subject
AR Adventures in Cellular Metabolism (MSc)
The project aims to investigate a visualization of glycolysis step-by-step, making complex biochemistry engaging and educational through 3D models, animations, gamification, informative text or audio explanations.
Short description
Glycolysis is a central metabolic process that breaks down glucose to release energy through a series of ten interlinked biochemical reactions. The glycolysis process is present in virtually all forms of life and for humans is important for multiple metabolic processes, as well as diseases such as diabetes. The project aim would be to create an app that enhances the understanding of this fundamental biochemical process by visualising each step in – for example - a 3D augmented reality environment. The primary objective of the visualisation is to make learning about glycolysis engaging and accessible, and using AR technology and gamification to transform complex biochemical processes into an intuitive and enjoyable educational experience. In short this project would involve, investigating 3D models of the molecules and enzymes involved in glycolysis, a step-by-step visualisation, whereby each step of glycolysis would be animated, showing the transformation of one molecule to another, along with the production of ATP and NADH (the two molecules that store energy to be used in other processes in the cell). Information in the form of text or audio, could be used to explain each step, providing key information about the biochemical reactions and their significance. This project is a collaboration with the University of Aberdeen, Scotland.
Objectives and Tasks
- Conduct a comprehensive review of existing studies on existing AR approaches for biology/microbiology/biochemistry education, identifying gaps and potential areas of exploration.
- Tool Development: Create a framework for the design of an AR application.
- Apply findings as a case study example, by constructing an education tool.
- To test the application with a group of users, and collate qualitative/quantitative feedback regarding the application’s potential as an educational tool.
- John Barrow, William Hurst, Joakim Edman, Natasja Ariesen, Caspar Krampe, Virtual reality for biochemistry education: the cellular factory, Education and Information Technologies, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10639-023-11826-1
- Dolf Honee, William Hurst, Antonius Johannus Luttikhold, Harnessing Augmented Reality for Increasing the Awareness of Food Waste Amongst Dutch Consumers, Augmented Human Research, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s41133-022-00057-7
- Courses: Data Science Concepts (INF-34306) (Optional);
- Required skills/knowledge: Python or R experience, General interest in Augmented Reality;
Key words: Data Science, Information technology,
Contact person(s)
Will Hurst (will.hurst@wur.nl)