Thesis subject
Co-supervision of thesis project involving software development (MSc/BSc)
Developing software in the context of a combined thesis project
Short description
In many thesis projects software is developed. Sometimes the software is just a by-product of the project. But if the software has to be used and/or modified by others after the project, special care should be taken in the development process. In such cases it is a good idea to involve the Information Technology Group in the thesis project.
Depending on the emphasis, the thesis code can be either INF or the other chair group’s code.
Examples (past):
- A framework for plant disease recognition by image processing
- Optimal planning of a particular distribution process
- Comparing forecasting performance of stock time series prediction
- Define requirements and scientific context for the software
- Design and implement scientific software
- Apply the software for its domain specific purpose
The work in this thesis entails:
- Describing the problem to be solved, and the role of software in it
- Implementing and testing the system
- Performing experiments with the system
- Reporting on the scientific results from the experiments
- text books on Software Engineering and Design Patterns, and more specific literature as needed
- literature provided by the other chair group
- Courses: Software Engineering (INF32306) for MSc, Programming in Python (INF22306) for BSc, relevant course(s) from the other chair group
- Required skills/knowledge: to successfully perform this kind of thesis you should be purposeful
- Interest: working on the boundary between Information Technology / Computer Science and other sciences; creating software for real stakeholders
Key words: Scientific Software, Software Engineering
Contact person(s)
Mark Kramer (mark.kramer@wur.nl)