Thesis subject
Dancing with Drones: Interactive Dance Generation (MSc)
Another Kind of Blue is a dance company based in The Hague, focusing on combining dance with technology. For one of their choreographies, Another Kind of Blue uses thirteen (pre-programmed) drones to dance, as a stick figure, with their dancers.
Short description
Another Kind of Blue is a dance company based in The Hague, focusing on combining dance with technology. For one of their choreographies, Another Kind of Blue uses thirteen (pre-programmed) drones to dance, as a stick figure, with their dancers. The goal of their new series of tourneys is to have the thirteen drones improvise dance based on AI technology. The goal of this project is to have the stick figure formed drones dance with the dancer with the goal of filling empty space. Real-time interactive dance generation through AI technology is still a novel field, requiring an extensive literature search, and a creative mind.
- Fill the empty space of the dancer with a drone stick figure.
- Create a database of dancer poses.
- Match poses to live dance.
- Fuse the current pose into the proposed pose.
- Yao, S., Sun, M., Li, B., Yang, F., Wang, J., & Zhang, R. (2023, October). Dance with you: The diversity controllable dancer generation via diffusion models. InProceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Multimedia(pp. 8504-8514).
- https://artsexperiments.withgoogle.com/living-archive
- Required skills/knowledge: Python, Machine Learning, Deep Learning
Key words: drone, UAV, deep learning, AI, dance.
Contact person(s)
- Qingzhi Liu (qingzhi.liu@wur.nl)
- Raymon van Dinter (raymon.van.dinter@sioux.eu)