Thesis subject
Exploring the Impact of 3D Printing Technology on Sustainable Manufacturing: The Environmental and Economic Benefits (MSc)
Since the early 2010s, 3D printing's affordability has grown, impacting sectors like healthcare and manufacturing. This study examines its sustainable manufacturing benefits in a wider context.
Short description
Since the early 2010’s 3D printing has become more affordable at the consumer level. There are multiple examples of where 3D printing technology has had a tremendous impact – for example, in healthcare, manufacturing and construction. However, this study aims to investigate the impact of 3D printing technology with a focus on sustainable manufacturing practices, evaluating differences in environmental impact, economic efficiency, and material waste reduction. The study will focus on specific industries such as food (e.g., chocolate), automotive, consumer electronics, or fashion; where specific research questions could include, how does 3D printing technology compare to traditional manufacturing processes in terms of material waste and resource efficiency? or What are the economic benefits and challenges of adopting 3D printing technology in sustainable manufacturing? The aim of the project is to highlight potential benefits and challenges of adopting 3D printing technologies, offering a roadmap for industries aiming to reduce their environmental footprint and improve economic efficiency through uptake of the technology. For this project, you will have access to various 3D printers including, plastic, chocolate, titanium and rubber and will be part of a collaboration with Central University of Technology Free State in South Africa.
- Literature review regarding the use of 3D printing for sustainable manufacturing solutions.
- A detailed comparison of the environmental and economic impacts of 3D printing technology versus traditional manufacturing for a specific case study.
- Provide insights into the potential of 3D printing technology to enhance sustainable manufacturing practices for a selected case study.
- To explore case studies of industries that have successfully integrated 3D printing technology into their manufacturing processes to enhance sustainability.
- Conduct experiments to compare the material waste, energy consumption, and production costs of 3D printing versus traditional manufacturing processes. Use specific products or components relevant to the chosen industries.
- https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0959652622003882;
- https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2211339820300484;
- https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/87559129.2020.1762091;
- Courses: Data Science Concepts (INF-34306) (Optional);
- Required skills/knowledge: Python or R experience, General interest in 3D Printing and Creative Technologies;
Key words: 3D Printing, Sustainability, Waste, e-Waste
Will Hurst (will.hurst@wur.nl)