Thesis subject
Virtual Laboratory: Engaging Students Through Gamified Learning (BSc/MSc)
Exploring virtual labs to enhance education by improving understanding of complex concepts (like bacteria) and increasing motivation in microbiology.
Short description
The use of virtual laboratories and the integration of gamification in education (specifically in experimental concepts) can play an effective role in improving the quality of education for students without the limitations of physical laboratories. Simulating and teaching the structure of complex concepts (such as bacteria), which are visible in the microscopic size and are presented as pictures in textbooks, can increase students' understanding and improve their quality of education. The goal of this project is to design a gamified virtual laboratory experience with a focus on bacteria education, with the intention to increase understanding and interest in microbiology. This virtual laboratory can provide an interactive and attractive learning environment by providing knowledge about the cell structure of a bacterium in the virtual laboratory and game design such as giving points to students and increasing students' motivation and participation in microbiology education.
- Literature review regarding the use of virtual reality in microbiology education.
- Designing a virtual laboratory environment and using gaming elements for microbiology education.
- Definition of learning outcomes and curriculum alignment.
- Designing a virtual laboratory in the Unity simulator environment and using gamification.
- Creating educational content and laboratory scenarios.
- Performing initial testing and troubleshooting.
- Test with a small group of students.
- Collecting student feedback from learning in a virtual reality environment.
- Document the findings in a scientific format.
Virtual reality for biochemistry education: the cellular factory, John Barrow, William Hurst, Joakim Edman, Natasja Ariesen & Caspar Krampe, Education and Information Technologies, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10639-023-11826-1
- Courses: Programming in Python (INF- 22306) (Optional);
- Required skills/knowledge: Python or R experience, General interest in XR;
Key words: eXtended Realities, Virtual Reality, Education, Microbiology, Gamification
Will Hurst (will.hurst@wur.nl)
Faezeh Parsa (faezeh.mousavianparsa@wur.nl)