Thesis subject
Your own proposal (Software Engineering) (MSc/BSc)
Bringing your own Software Engineering idea to life
Short description
If you have an idea for building software for helping answering a specific kind of questions, you can contact the supervisor to investigate how to turn this into a scientific sftware project.
Ideally, the application relates to your study programme and the scientific questions addressed there. Other subjects can be discussed.
Examples (past):
- Workflow automation for gene network interference
- Simulating how butterflies use wild life corridors
- A web-based program for automating (a specific kind of) economic experiments
- Design and implement a software system for a specified goal
- Show how the software supports that goal
The work in this thesis entails:
- Describing the system in suffient detail to build it
- Finding relevant literature for the application domain
- Designing the major components of the system
- Implementing and testing (parts of) the system
- Potentially: conducting benchmarks for performance analysis
- Reporting on the results obtained using the system, or part thereof
Starting point would be text books on Software Engineering and Design Patterns, as well as literature on the application domain
- Courses: Software Engineering (INF32306)
- Required skills/knowledge: knowledge of your intended application domain; motivation for defining your own project
Key words: Software Engineering, Software Design
Contact person(s)
Mark Kramer (mark.kramer@wur.nl)