PhD Thesis Gallery
This PhD thesis gallery contains all PhD-theses from either (former) staff members or from PhD's who were supervised by (former) staff members. If you think a thesis is missing, please contact Sjoukje Osinga.
Verwaart, D. (2011)
Agent-Based Modeling of Culture’s Consequences for Trade.
Delft University of Technology, 2011.
Promotor: Prof. Dr. C.M. Jonker
Co-promotor: Dr. Ir. G.J. Hofstede
Wagenberg, C.P.A. van (2010)
Incentive mechanisms for food safety control in pork supply chains : a study on the relationship between finishing pig producers and slaughterhouses in the Netherlands
WUR Wageningen UR.
Promotor(en): Urlings, Prof.dr. H.A.P.; Vorst, Prof dr ir J.G.A.J. van der, co-promotor(en): Backus, Dr ir G.B.C.
Verdouw, C.N. (2010)
Business process modelling in demand-driven agri-food supply chains: a reference framework
WUR Wageningen UR.
Promotor: Beulens, Prof ir A.J.M.; Co-promotor: Trienekens, Dr. J.H.
Li, Yuan. (2010)
Application of data mining methods to establish systems for early warning and proactive control in food supply chain networks
WUR Wageningen UR.
Promotor(en): Beulens, Prof ir A.J.M.; Vorst, Prof dr ir J.G.A.J. van der.
Hsiao, L. (2009)
Logistics outsourcing in the food processing industry : a study in the Netherlands and Taiwan
WUR Wageningen UR.
Promotor(en): Omta, Prof dr S.W.F.; Vorst, Prof dr ir J.G.A.J. van der, co-promotor(en): Kemp, Dr R.G.M.
Meijer, S.A. (2009)
The organisation of transactions : studying supply networkd using gaming simulation
WUR Wageningen UR.
Promotor(en): Omta, Prof dr S.W.F.; Beers, Prof dr ir G., co-promotor(en): Hofstede, Dr ir G.J.
Busstra, M.C. (2008)
Design and evaluation of digital learning material for academic education in human nutrition
WUR Wageningen UR.
Promotor(en): Veer, Prof dr ir P. van t; Müller, Prof dr M.R., co-promotor(en): Hartog, Drs R.J.M.
Haijema, R. (2008)
Solving large structured Markov Decision Problems for perishable inventory management and traffic control
Universiteit van Amsterdam, Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde.
Promotor(en): Wal, J. van der; Dijk, N.M. van. - Amsterdam : Thela Thesis Academic Publishing Services
Rossi, R. (2008)
Constraint Programming for Optimization Under Uncertainty in Inventory Control
National University of Ireland, Cork.
Research supervisors: Dr. S. Armagan Tarim, Dr. Brahim Hnich and Dr. Steven D. Prestwich
Olieman, N.J. (2008)
Methods for robustness programming
WUR Wageningen UR.
Promotor(en): Beek, Prof dr P. van, co-promotor(en): Hendrix, Dr E.M.T.
Scholten, H. (2008)
Better modelling practice : an ontological perpsective on multidisciplinary, model-based problem solving
WUR Wageningen UR.
Promotor(en): Beulens, Prof ir A.J.M., co-promotor(en): Elzas, Ir M.S.
Schaaf, H. van der (2007)
Design of digital learning material for bioprocess-engineering-education
WUR Wageningen UR.
Promotor(en): Tramper, Prof dr ir J., co-promotor(en): Vermuë, Dr ir M.H.; Hartog, Drs R.J.M.
Sáiz Pérez, M.E. (2007)
Game theory at work: OR models and algorythms to solve multi-actor heterogeneous decision problems
WUR Wageningen UR.
Promotor(en): Beulens, Prof ir A.J.M.; Vorst, Prof dr ir J.G.A.J. van der, co-promotor(en): Hendrix, Dr E.M.T.
Cruijssen, F.
Horizontal Cooperation in Transport and Logistics
Tilburg University.
Promotor: Prof. Dr. H. Fleuren; Co-promotor: Dr. W. Dullaert
Apaiah, R.K. (2006)
Designing food supply chains- a structured methodology: a case on novel protein foods
Wageningen Universiteit.
Promotor(en): Boekel, Prof dr ir T. van, co-promotor(en): Hendrix, Dr E.M.T.; Linnemann, Dr ir A.R.
Canever, M.D. (2006)
From fork to farm - demand chain management in the agro-food business : with application to the Rio Grande do Sul beef business
WUR Wageningen UR.
Promotor(en): Beers, Prof dr ir G.; Trijp, Prof dr ir J.C.M. van, co-promotor(en): Lans, Dr I.A. van der.
Crompvoets, J.W.H.C. (2006)
National Spatial Data Clearinghouses: Worldwide development and impact
WUR Wageningen UR.
Promotor(en): Bregt, Prof dr ir A.K., co-promotor(en): Hofstede, Dr ir G.J.
Ligtenberg, A. (2006)
Exploring the use of multi-agent systems for interactive multi-actor spatial planning
WUR Wageningen UR.
Promotor(en): Beulens, Prof ir A.J.M.; Bregt, Prof dr ir A.K., co-promotor(en): Kettenis, Dr ir D.L.; Wachowicz, Dr ir M.
Sessink, O. (2006)
Bioprocess-Engineering Education with Web Technology
WUR Wageningen UR.
Promotor(en): Tramper, Prof dr ir J., co-promotor(en): Beeftink, Dr H.H.; Hartog, Drs R.J.M.
Webber, H. (2006)
Improving research management: institutionalization of management informations systems in national agricultural research organisations in Sub Saharan Africa
Wageningen Universiteit.
Promotor(en): Beulens, Prof ir A.J.M.; Hofstede, Dr ir G.J.; Horton, Dr D.
Aegerter-Wilmsen, T. (2005)
Digital learning material for experimental design and model building in molecular biology
WUR Wageningen UR.
Promotor(en): Bisseling, Prof dr A.H.J., co-promotor(en): Hartog, Drs R.J.M.; Janssen, F.J.J.M.
Diederen, J. (2005)
Design and evaluation of digital activating learning materials for Food Chemistry education.
WUR Wageningen UR.
Promotor(en): Gruppen, Prof Dr ir H.; Voragen, Prof dr ir A.G.J., co-promotor(en): Hartog, Drs R.J.M.
Dorp, C.A. van (2004)
Reference-data modelling for tracking and tracing
Wageningen University.
Promotor(en): Beulens, Prof ir A.J.M.; Beers, Prof dr ir G.
Gaag, M.A. van der (2004)
Epidemiological and economic simulation of Salmonella control in the pork supply chain
Wageningen Universiteit.
Promotor(en): Huirne, Prof dr ir R.B.M.; Beek, Prof dr P. van, co-promotor(en): Saatkamp, H.W.
Wolfert, J. (2002)
Sustainable Agriculture: How to make it work?
Wageningen Universiteit.
Promotor: Prof.Dr.Ir. E.A. Goewie, Prof.Ir. A.J.M. Beulens, co-promotor(en): Dr.Ir. E.A. Lantinga.
Schotman, P.J. (2000)
Improving support for greenhouse climate management : an exploration of a knowledge-based system
Wageningen Universiteit:
Promotor: Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Challa; co-promotors: Prof. Ir. M.S. Elzas; Dr. R. Martin Clouaire (INRA Toulouse)
Vorst, J.G.A.J. van der (2000)
Effective food supply chains; generating, modelling and evaluating supply chain scenarios
Wageningen Universiteit.
Promotor: A.J.M. Beulens n prof.dr. P. van Beek.
Asseldonk, M.A.P.M. van (1999)
Economic evaluation of information technology applications on dairy farms
Landbouwuniversiteit Wageningen
Promotoren: Dr. ir. A.A. Dijkhuizen, Ir. A.J.M. Beulens.
Annevelink, E. (1999)
Internal transport control in pot plant production
Universiteit Wageningen.
Promotor: Dr. P. van Beek, co-promotoren: Dr. Ing. H.W.J. Donkers; Dr. Ir. D. Goense.
Trienekens, J.H. (1999)
Management of Processes in Chains : A research framework
Wageningen University
Promotoren: Ir. A.J.M. Beulens, Dr. P. van Beek.
Yanuariadi, T. (1999)
Sustainable Land Allocation GIS-based decision support for industrial forest plantation development in Indonesia
Landbouwuniversiteit Wageningen.
Promotor: A.J.M. Beulens, A. de Gier, Co-promotor: G.J. Hofstede.
Hendrix, E.M.T. (1998)
Global optimization at work.
Dr. P. van Beek, ir. A.J.M. Beulens (supervisors)
Wageningen Agricultural University
Venema, P. (1997)
Charging and ion adsorption behaviour of different iron (hydr)oxides.
Prof.dr. W.H. van Riemsdijk (supervisor).
Wageningen Agricultural University
Bloemhof-Ruwaard, J.M. (1996)
Integration of operational research and environmental management.
Prof.dr. L. Hordijk, prof.dr. P. van Beek, L.N. van Wassenhove (supervisors). Wageningen Agricultural University
Domburg, P. (1994)
A knowledge-based system to assist in the design of soil survey schemes. M.S. Elzas (promotor); J.J. de Gruijter (co-promotor).
Landbouwuniversiteit Wageningen
Kettenis, D.L. (1994)
Issues of parallelization in implementation of the combined simulation language Cosmos.
Prof.dr. H. Koppelaar, E.J.H. Kerckhoffs (promotoren).
University of Technology, Delft
Mous, S.L.J. (1994)
On identification of nonlinear systems. J. Grasman, prof.dr. D. Rasch (promotoren); dr. M. de Gee (co-promotor). Landbouwuniversiteit Wageningen
Sheng, G.M. (1994)
Software verification, model validation, and hydrogeologic modelling aspects in nuclear waste disposal system simulations - A paradigm shift. M.S. Elzas (promotor).
Landbouwuniversiteit Wageningen
Rossing, W.A.H. (1993)
On damage, uncertainty and risk in supervised control: aphids and brown rust in winter wheat as an example.
Prof.dr. P. van Beek, R. Rabbinge, prof.dr. J.C. Zadoks (promotoren). Landbouwuniversiteit Wageningen
Hofstede, G.J. (1992)
Modesty in modelling: on the applicability of interactive planning systems with a case study in pot plant cultivation.
Prof.dr. J.L. Simons, M.S. Elzas (promotoren).
Landbouwuniversiteit Wageningen.
Roos-Klein Lankhorst, J. (1989)
Visualisering van veranderingen in het landschap. Een computer-ondersteund ontwerpinstrument voor de (landschaps)architect. M.S. Elzas en M.J. Vroom (promotoren).
Landbouwuniversiteit Wageningen
Reinders, M.P. (1989)
IDEAS, for integral logistics in centralized wood processing. M.M.G.R. Bol en prof.dr. P. van Beek (promotoren).
Landbouwuniversiteit Wageningen
den Dulk, J.A. (1989)
The interpretation of remote sensing, a feasibility study. C.T. de Wit (promotor); J. Goudriaan (co-promotor).
Landbouwuniversiteit Wageningen
Udink ten Cate, A.J. (1983)
Modelling and (adaptive) control of greenhouse climates
Proefschrift Wageningen
Promotor: Prof. ir. J.J. van Dixhoorn; Dr. ir. J. Schenk