Best Paper award of International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management 2024
Together with co-authors Dr Viet Nguyen (Hogeschool van Amsterdam) and Dr Erica van Herpen (Wageningen University, Marketing & Consumer Behavior group), Prof Sander de Leeuw received the 2024 best paper award of the International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management for the paper “The impact of social vs environmental sustainability information disclosure on consumer choice of delivery time with varying sustainability concerns”
In this paper we investigate the impact of sustainability information disclosure on consumers’ choice of order-to-delivery lead-time in relation to consumers’ sustainability concern. Based on two choice experiments with participants from the Netherlands (n = 348) and the United Kingdom (n = 1387), we examined the impact of sustainability information disclosure in connection with consumers’ concerns for environmental and social sustainability. We compared the effects of providing information on environmental impact (carbon emission) and on social impact (warehouse workers’ and drivers’ well-being).
Experiment results show that disclosing sustainability impact information significantly increased consumers’ preference and choice for longer delivery times, with equivalent effects for environmental and social impact information. Consumers’ relevant (environmental or social) sustainability concern as personality traits enhanced effects on preferences, as did priming of environmental concern. The findings provide opportunities for online retailers to influence consumer choice of delivery time, especially through disclosing environmental and/or social sustainability information.
Follow the DOI link below to the paper (this paper is open access for everyone):
Nguyen, V., de Leeuw, S., & van Herpen, H. W. I.(2023).The impact of social vs environmental sustainability information disclosure on consumer choice of delivery time with varying sustainability concerns.International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management,53(11), 26-52.https://doi.org/10.1108/IJPDLM-09-2021-0392