Publications of the Philosophy Group
Researchers of the Philosophy Group publish on a regular basis in scientific journals, professional journals, scientific and popular books, and proceedings.
View the complete publication list of the Philosophy Group.
Ethical, Legal and Social Aspects (ELSA) for AI : An assessment tool for Agri-food
Smart Agricultural Technology (2025), Volume: 10 - ISSN 2772-3755 -
Simple nudges that are not so easy
Behavioural Public Policy (2024), Volume: 8, Issue: 1 - ISSN 2398-063X - p. 154-172. -
Who owns NATURE? Conceptual appropriation in discourses on climate and biotechnologies
Environmental Values (2024), Volume: 33, Issue: 4 - ISSN 0963-2719 - p. 414-433. -
The Earth Means the World to Me: Earth- and World-Interest in Times of Climate Change
In: Handbook of Philosophy of Climate Change - Springer - ISBN: 9783030169602 - p. 1-17. -
Wetenschappers: bewustzijn eerder regel dan uitzondering in het dierenrijk
Gene drive technology as human intervention into nature : On the fate of environmental ethics in the anthropocene
Wageningen University. Promotor(en): B. Bovenkerk, co-promotor(en): D. Ludwig - Wageningen: Wageningen University -
How to Inhabit the Earth: Interviews with Nicolas Truong, written by Bruno Latour
Philosophia Reformata (2024), Volume: 89, Issue: 2 - ISSN 0031-8035 - p. 260-262. -
Kweekvlees is nog niet op de markt maar we vinden er wel wat van
Kiertje tussen stenen is genoeg voor nieuw leven'
Norbert Peeters over stadsnatuur: 'Een kiertje is genoeg voor nieuw leven'