Education at the Sociology of Development and Change Group
The Sociology of Development and Change group teaches courses on a range of topics related to development studies, political ecology, anthropology of law and crisis and disaster studies. Within these fields of research, we offer possibilities to do a bachelor, master thesis or internship. We also teach in a number of different bachelor and master programmes.
Thesis and internship
Bachelor students from the BIN can do their thesis project with SDC, and Master students from MID, MDR, MRF and MTO are eligible for thesis or internship supervision with SDC.
Do you have any questions about our theses or internships?
More information on thesis projects, internships and research practice can be found on Brightspace. Please feel free to contact our education coordinator at thesis.sdc@wur.nl.
Our courses
The SDC group provides a range of compulsory and optional courses to the Bachelors and Masters curricula. The table below presents a list of all courses that are (co-) provided by the SDC group. For more information on the contents and the schedule, we refer to the Study Handbook and the scheduling site, or simply follow the course links below.
BSc programmes
SDC teaches in 2 bachelor programmes:
Most of the SDC bachelor courses are part of BIN. Visit the Study Handbook for more information on our courses or have a look at the overview. Bachelor students from the BIN can do their thesis project with SDC. More information on thesis projects, internships and research practice can be found on Brightspace (Space, Place and Society: Thesis , Internship and Research Practice - for WUR students only). Do you have any questions? Please contact us at thesis.sdc@wur.nl.
MSc programmes
SDC teaches in the following master programmes:
- International Development Studies (MID)
- Development and Rural Innovation(MDR)
- Resilient Farming and Food Systems (MRF)
- International Land and Water Management (MIL)
- Forest and Nature Conservation (MFN)
- Tourism, Society and Environment (MTO)
Master students from MID, MDR, MRF and MTO are eligible for thesis or internship supervision with SDC. More information on thesis projects, internships and research practice can be found on Brightspace (for WUR students only). Do you want to know more? Please contact us at thesis.sdc@wur.nl.