
Integral Findings and Value creation

This project integrates the newly developed knowledge on Food Systems Approach knowledge from the Knowledge Base (KB) Food Security and Valuing Water Program. The mission of the program is: “Contribute to Zero Hunger by combining our interdisciplinary knowledge in agri-food and water domains to shape the transitions towards sustainable food systems”.

The Kennisbasis (KB) Programme ‘ Food Security and Valuing water’ consists of several "motifs" (sub-programs). Through research in these motifs, Wageningen University & Research contributes to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals number 2 "Zero Hunger". This specific project is aimed at bringing together and connecting the knowledge gained in all motifs, identifying future research questions and making the knowledge that is developed known to potential users. This is for example the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food, but also international organizations such as FAO, IFAD, WorldBank, CG institutes. This project consists of: Knowledge management, Development and facilitation of dialogues between science and society,  Communication and the Exploration of potential new research areas within the program.
