Food Loss and Waste dialogue
To accelerate the initiatives to reduce food loss and waste (FLW) in LMIC, there is a need to place FLW in a food systems perspective and create a novel research agenda. Within this project we will built upon existing reports and publications and provide a new perspective on FLW reduction interventions.
The reduction of Food Loss and Waste (FLW) is important from a food system perspective, as currently an estimated one-third of all global food production is lost or wasted, contributing to massive levels of environmental degradation and perpetuating food insecurity. Reducing FLW contributes to improved FNS, creates employment, income and livelihood, while reducing the environmental impact of food production, such as GHG emissions and deforestation.
Compared to ten years ago, FLW is much more solid on the research, political and societal agenda and the private sector is exploring ways to reduce FLW. In LMIC most FLW occurs within the supply chain, between production and consumption, but we are not observing the substantial reduction of FLW needed in order to meet SDG 12.3 (to halve per capita global food waste at the retail and consumer levels and reduce food losses along production and supply chains, including post-harvest losses).
In this motif we aim to accelerate the initiatives to reduce FLW in LMIC by building on the reports and literature published in recent years and translating their high-level recommendations to concrete solutions which can be implemented by different food system actors. In 2021 the motif team will create a novel research FLW agenda, shining light on where applied research advances are most needed. This will lay the foundation for the research priorities in this domain in 2022 and engagement with leading parties on the FLW topic such as FAO, UNEP, WWF, WRI, development banks and governments.
A journey into the world's food systems in search of losses, waste and ways to solve them
Wageningen: Wageningen University & Research - ISBN: 9789464472684 -
The protein transition : How to operationalise use of black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) and spirulina as feed ingrediencies in Kenya and Uganda?
Wageningen Economic Research (Wageningen Economic Research 2023-008)