International Exchange ICES
This project aims specifically for international collaboration, participation in meetings and workshops. This is a yearly recurring project, which ensures Wageningen Marine Research scientists participation in international (ICES) science networks.
By its nature fisheries research is international. Therefore, international collaboration and exchange of scientific development are vital to accomplish the statutory tasks in Fisheries. The KB WOT Fisheries projects are for the major part carried out in cooperation with (inter)national colleagues. Through these collaborations also a large amount of external value is added to the programme, as resources and expertise from other institutes contribute to the KB WOT Fisheries.
This project is specifically to fund participation in international networks and ICES meetings. These groups are core to the development of KB WOT Fisheries. The network provided by these groups provides great added value to the KB WOT resources. Resolutions for the meetings will be agreed by ICES in October 2022. In 2023 participation will most likely be funded for: Data and Information Group (DIG), WG on the Value of Coastal Habitats for Exploited Species (WGVHES), WG on Fisheries Acoustics and Technology (WGFAST), WG on Integrative Physical-biological and Ecosystem Modelling (WGIPEM), Benthos Ecology WG (BEWG), Working Group on Fisheries Benthic Impact and Trade-offs (WGFBIT), Working Group on Application of Genetics in Fisheries and Aquaculture (WGAGFA), Working Group on Acoustic Trawl Data Portal Governance (WGAcousticGov), Working Group on SmartDots Governance (WGSMART), Workshop on operational implementation of stomach sampling (WKOISS), Fifth Workshop on Optimization of Biological Sampling (WKBIOPTIM5), Working Group on Fishing Technology and Fish Behaviour (WGFTFB), Working Group on Transparent Assessment Framework Governance (WGTAFGOV) and Workshop on MSE development (WKMSEDEV).
Results will be published in formal working groups reports, internal Wageningen Marine Research reports of groups and collaborative manuscripts. Results will be disseminated through the ICES website, theme sessions at the ICES Annual Science Conference and international symposia.
Optimizing Market Sampling for End-User Needs
Centre for Fisheries Research (CVO) (CVO Report 23.025) -
From spawning to first-year recruitment: the fate of juvenile sole growth and survival under future climate conditions in the North Sea
ICES Journal of Marine Science (2022), Volume: 79, Issue: 2 - ISSN 1054-3139 - p. 495-505. -
Collecting quality echosounder data in inclement weather
Copenhaggen: ICES (ICES Cooperative Research Report ) - ISBN: 9788774827511 -
Disclosing the truth: Are models better than observations?
Marine Ecology Progress Series (2021), Volume: 680 - ISSN 0171-8630 - p. 7-13. -
Sensitivity of the fish community to different prey fields and importance of spatial-seasonal patterns
Marine Ecology Progress Series (2021), Volume: 680 - ISSN 0171-8630 - p. 79-95. -
Gear trials for a new gear for the IBTS
IJmuiden: Centre for Fisheries Research (CVO) (CVO report 20.026) -
A generic framework to assess the representation and protection of benthic ecosystems in European marine protected areas
Aquatic conservation: marine and freshwater ecosystems (2020), Volume: 30, Issue: 7 - ISSN 1052-7613 - p. 1253-1275. -
Contrasting post-ovulatory follicle production in fishes with different spawning dynamics
Fisheries Research (2020), Volume: 231 - ISSN 0165-7836 -
The use and performance of survey-based pre-recruit abundance indices for possible inclusion in stock assessments of coastal-dependent species
ICES Journal of Marine Science (2020), Volume: 77, Issue: 5 - ISSN 1054-3139 -
Methodological elements for optimising the spatial monitoring design to support regional benthic ecosystem assessments
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (2019), Volume: 191, Issue: 7 - ISSN 0167-6369
- October 2016: Report of the Working Group on Biological Parameters (WGBIOP) (2,29 mb)
- July 2016: Interin Report of the Working Group on the Value of Coastal Habitats for Exploited Species (WGVHES) (337,55 kb)
- June 2016: Interim Report of the Working Group on Integrative Physical-Biological and Ecosystem Modelling (WGIPEM) (815,64 kb)
- May 2016: Interim Report of the Working Group on Crangon Fisheries and Life History (WGCRAN) (298,92 kb)
- May 2016: Interim Report of the Benthos Ecology Working Group (BEWG) (546,61 kb)
- May 2016: Report of the Data and Information Group (DIG) (1,06 mb)
- April 2016: Final Report of the Working Group on Target Classification (WGTC) (273,19 kb)
- April 2016: Report of the Workshop on Growth-increment Chronologies in Marine Fish: climate-ecosystem interactions in the North Atlantic 2 (WKGIC2) (409,89 kb)
- April 2016: Final Report of the Working Group on Fisheries Acoustics, Science and Technology (WGFAST) (1,01 mb)
- April 2016: Report of the Working Group on Fishing Technology and Fish Behaviour (WGFTFB) (5,17 mb)
- February 2016: Report of the Workshop to plan an integrated monitoring Programme in the North Sea in Q3 (WKPIMP) (1,34 mb)
- January 2016: Working Group on Integrating Surveys for the Ecosystem Approach (WGISUR) (977,18 kb)