Parasitic diseases in animals
Wageningen Bioveterinary Research (WBVR) supports the Dutch government and business life by performing diagnostic tests and scientific research and by giving policy recommendations for prevention and control of parasitic diseases in animals. Some of these diseases are transmissible to humans (zoonoses).
What are parasitic diseases?
Is there cause for concern in the Netherlands?
Take a look at our research on:
Equine piroplasmosis (EP)
Equine piroplasmosis (EP) is a disease found in equine species such as horses and donkeys. The disease is caused by parasites (Babesia caballi and Theileria equi) found in the blood cells. Ticks feed on the blood of an infected animal and then become vectors of the disease. It can make horses very ill, but most infected horses will become carriers without actually displaying any symptoms of the disease.
Small hive beetle
The Small Hive Beetle (SHB, Aethina tumida) has recently been introduced in Southern Italy in the province of Calabria. This species, new to Europe, parasitizes bee colonies with damaging effects.
Tropilaelaps mite
Their original host was the giant honeybee (Apis dorsata), but Tropilaelaps can also occur in colonies of other bee species. Tropilaelaps mite have not been observed in the Netherlands.