Prion diseases in animals
Wageningen Bioveterinary Research provides diagnostic services, scientific research and policy advice to public and private sector organisations for the prevention and control of many infectious animal diseases, including prion diseases.
What are prion diseases?
What are the symptoms?
Prion diseases generally have a long incubation period. Symptoms are mainly neurological as damage is caused to the nervous system. The absence of effective treatments means that the disease is always fatal in both humans and animals.
Transmission occurs most easily between individuals within the same species. However, the ease of transmission can vary, even between individuals of the same species, as a result of hereditary differences in the prion protein and/or the prion strain being circulated.
At the present, diagnosis in living animals is generally not available and takes place post-mortem.
Take a look at our research on:
Mad cow disease (BSE)
BSE, also known as mad cow disease, stands for bovine spongiform encephalopathy. This infectious disease affects the central nervous system of cattle. Wageningen Bioveterinary Research (WBVR) conducts research into this disease.
Scrapie is a deadly, degenerative and transmissible prion disease. Scrapie affects the central nervous system of sheep and goats. Wageningen Bioveterinary Research (WBVR) conduct research into this disease.