Discovering potential market opportunities
Reliable, pre-competitive data about current and future market developments are essential for your strategic decisions. You may be searching for production opportunities in a new region, or price expectations of essential raw materials. Or you may require greater insight into the long-term implications that potential trade barriers or climate change might have for your business.
It is a challenge to find the right information, and to analyse and interpret it. Wageningen Economic Research has many relevant international data sources at its disposal, which can be linked together to provide unique insights that can support you in making policy and investment decisions.
Facts that support your strategic intuition
We investigate and clarify which developments, opportunities, and threats exist in the market, so that you can base your decisions on solid facts. We explore market forces, develop warning systems and determine where the opportunities will occur. Our policy research places us in the unique position of being able to rapidly translate the consequences of policy changes for your organisation. This will help you to understand current and future trends as well as disruptive factors, such as misconduct in futures markets, trade wars and the outbreak of diseases, that might play a role. This knowledge of potential markets, new and conventional technologies, emerging economies and competitors will enable you to improve your competitive market position.
Which piece of the puzzle do you need?
Do you need market research?
- Monitor Market Functioning
- Develop Market Scenarios
- Analyse Market Impact & Response
- Brand new: Discover opportunities and threats for your business with Wageningen Food Views