Cities & food security - South America
We have compared a total of 850 cities all over the world on a number of food-related indicators like availability, food risks and healthy lifestyle. In this list you will find the top 25 largest cities (expected in 2030) in South America in alphabetical order.
Find the city you want more information about and get an overall impression. We tell you if the overall ranking was:
- Very low
- Rather low
- Low
- Below average
- Average
- Above average
- High
- Rather high
- Very high
Furthermore we will indicate which 5 indicators had a more than average positive (+) or negative (-) effect on the ranking. (o is neutral)
Would you like to dig deeper or would you like to receive more information about one of the other cities in the ranking? Fill in the form.
Asunción (Paraguay)
Score | |
Overall ranking | Below average |
Availability | o |
Food risk | - |
Healthy lifestyle | + |
Accessibility | o |
Affordability | - |
Indicators with a positive effect:
- BMI (health)
- remaining agriland
- climate risk
Indicators with a negative effect:
- arabale land
- Gini-index
- kcal intake (total)
- population increase
- risk from flood
- ease of doing business
Barranqui (Colombia)
Score | |
Overall ranking | Below average |
Availability | - |
Food risk | - |
Healthy lifestyle | + |
Accessibility | o |
Affordability | - |
Indicators with a positive effect:
- climate
- remaining agriland
- proximity stores
Indicators with a negative effect:
- arabale land
- fresh food production
- Gini-index
- diversity in diet
- stability country
- vegetable/fruit/nuts production
Bélem (Brazil)
Score | |
Overall ranking | Rather low |
Availability | - |
Food risk | - |
Healthy lifestyle | + |
Accessibility | - |
Affordability | - |
Indicators with a positive effect:
- proximity stores
Indicators with a negative effect:
- arabale land
- climate
- fresh food production
- Gini-index
- infrastructure
- ease of doing business
- risk from flood
- vegetable/fruit/nuts production
Belo Horizonte (Brazil)
Score | |
Overall ranking | Rather low |
Availability | - |
Food risk | o |
Healthy lifestyle | + |
Accessibility | o |
Affordability | - |
Indicators with a positive effect:
- proximity stores
- climate risk
Indicators with a negative effect:
- arabale land
- ease of doing business
- fresh food production
- Gini-index
- vegetable/fruit/nuts production
Bogotá (Colombia)
Score | |
Overall ranking | Rather low |
Availability | - |
Food risk | - |
Healthy lifestyle | + |
Accessibility | o |
Affordability | - |
Indicators with a positive effect:
- climate
- climate risk
- remeaning agriland
Indicators with a negative effect:
- arabale land
- fresh food production
- Gini-index
- infrastructure
- diversity in diet
- population increase
- stability country
- vegetable/fruit/nuts production
Brasilia (Brazil)
Score | |
Overall ranking | Below average |
Availability | - |
Food risk | - |
Healthy lifestyle | + |
Accessibility | - |
Affordability | - |
Indicators with a positive effect:
- green living environment around the city
Indicators with a negative effect:
- fresh food production
- Gini-index
- infrastructure
- ease of doing business
- population increase
- vegetable/fruit/nuts production
Buenos Aires (Argentina)
Score | |
Overall ranking | Rather low |
Availability | - |
Food risk | o |
Healthy lifestyle | o |
Accessibility | o |
Affordability | + |
Indicators with a positive effect:
- BMI (food risk)
- share of meat and fish in diet
- kcal from meat and fish
Indicators with a negative effect:
- arabale land
- BMI (health)
- fresh food production
- ease of doing business
- risk from flood
- green living environment around the city
- vegetable/fruit/nuts production
Cali (Colombia)
Score | |
Overall ranking | Average |
Availability | - |
Food risk | - |
Healthy lifestyle | + |
Accessibility | o |
Affordability | - |
Indicators with a positive effect:
- remaining agriland
Indicators with a negative effect:
- fresh food production
- Gini-index
- diversity in diet
- stability country
Campinas (Brazil)
Score | |
Overall ranking | Rather high |
Availability | o |
Food risk | o |
Healthy lifestyle | + |
Accessibility | + |
Affordability | - |
Indicators with a positive effect:
- climate
- climate risk
- infrastructure
Indicators with a negative effect:
- Gini-index
- ease of doing business
Caracas (Venezuela)
Score | |
Overall ranking | Rather low |
Availability | - |
Food risk | o |
Healthy lifestyle | o |
Accessibility | - |
Affordability | + |
Indicators with a positive effect:
- climate
- climate risk
- GDP development
- population increase
Indicators with a negative effect:
- arabale land
- ease of doing business
- fresh food production
- Gini-index
- infrastructure
- kcal intake (total)
- vegetable/fruit/nuts production
Curitiba (Brazil)
Score | |
Overall ranking | Average |
Availability | - |
Food risk | o |
Healthy lifestyle | + |
Accessibility | o |
Affordability | - |
Indicators with a positive effect:
- climate risk
Indicators with a negative effect:
- ease of doing business
- Gini-index
- population increase
Fortaleza (Brazil)
Score | |
Overall ranking | Rather low |
Availability | - |
Food risk | - |
Healthy lifestyle | + |
Accessibility | + |
Affordability | - |
Indicators with a positive effect:
- proximity stores
Indicators with a negative effect:
- arabale land
- fresh food production
- Gini-index
- ease of doing business
- vegetable/fruit/nuts production
Goiânia (Brazil)
Score | |
Overall ranking | Above average |
Availability | o |
Food risk | o |
Healthy lifestyle | + |
Accessibility | o |
Affordability | - |
Indicators with a positive effect:
- remaining agriland
Indicators with a negative effect:
- arabale land
- Gini-index
- ease of doing business
- population increase
Guayaquil (Ecuador)
Score | |
Overall ranking | Rather low |
Availability | - |
Food risk | - |
Healthy lifestyle | + |
Accessibility | - |
Affordability | - |
Indicators with a positive effect:
- climate
Indicators with a negative effect:
- arabale land
- Gini-index
- infrastructure
- kcal intake (total)
- ease of doing business
La Paz (Bolivia)
Score | |
Overall ranking | Below average |
Availability | - |
Food risk | o |
Healthy lifestyle | + |
Accessibility | - |
Affordability | - |
Indicators with a positive effect:
- GDP development
- BMI (health)
- green living environment around the city
- climate
- risk from flood
Indicators with a negative effect:
- arabale land
- infrastructure
- ease of doing business
- proximity stores
- Gini-index
- climate risk
- total kcal intake
Lima (Peru)
Score | |
Overall ranking | Low |
Availability | - |
Food risk | - |
Healthy lifestyle | + |
Accessibility | o |
Affordability | o |
Indicators with a positive effect:
- climate risk
- proximity stores
Indicators with a negative effect:
- arabale land
- fresh food production
- Gini-index
- infrastructure
- vegetable/fruit/nuts production
Manaus (Brazil)
Score | |
Overall ranking | Below average |
Availability | o |
Food risk | - |
Healthy lifestyle | + |
Accessibility | - |
Affordability | - |
Indicators with a positive effect:
- green living environment around the city
Indicators with a negative effect:
- climate
- Gini-index
- population increase
- proximity stores
- risk from flood
- ease of doing business
Maracaibo (Venezuela)
Score | |
Overall ranking | Below average |
Availability | - |
Food risk | - |
Healthy lifestyle | + |
Accessibility | - |
Affordability | + |
Indicators with a positive effect:
- climate
- GDP development
- proximity stores
- remaining agriland
Indicators with a negative effect:
- arabale land
- ease of doing business
- Gini-index
- infrastructure
- kcal intake (total)
Medellin (Colombia)
Score | |
Overall ranking | Rather low |
Availability | - |
Food risk | - |
Healthy lifestyle | + |
Accessibility | o |
Affordability | - |
Indicators with a positive effect:
- remaining agriland
- climate risk
Indicators with a negative effect:
- arabale land
- fresh food production
- Gini-index
- infrastructure
- diversity in diet
- stability country
- vegetable/fruit/nuts production
Recife (Brazil)
Score | |
Overall ranking | Average |
Availability | - |
Food risk | o |
Healthy lifestyle | + |
Accessibility | + |
Affordability | - |
Indicators with a positive effect:
- infrastructure
- proximity stores
- population increase
Indicators with a negative effect:
- climate
- fresh food production
- Gini-index
- ease of doing business
- risk from flood
- vegetable/fruit/nuts production
Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
Score | |
Overall ranking | Rather low |
Availability | - |
Food risk | o |
Healthy lifestyle | + |
Accessibility | o |
Affordability | - |
Indicators with a positive effect:
- population increase
- proximity stores
Indicators with a negative effect:
- arabale land
- fresh food production
- Gini-index
- ease of doing business
- risk from flood
- vegetable/fruit/nuts production
Salvador (Brazil)
Score | |
Overall ranking | Low |
Availability | - |
Food risk | - |
Healthy lifestyle | + |
Accessibility | + |
Affordability | - |
Indicators with a positive effect:
- none
Indicators with a negative effect:
- arabale land
- climate
- fresh food production
- Gini-index
- ease of doing business
- risk from flood
- vegetable/fruit/nuts production
Santa Cruz (Bolivia)
Score | |
Overall ranking | Below average |
Availability | o |
Food risk | - |
Healthy lifestyle | + |
Accessibility | - |
Affordability | - |
Indicators with a positive effect:
- BMI (health)
- fresh food production
- GDP development
- green living environment around the city
Indicators with a negative effect:
- arabale land
- ease of doing business
- Gini-index
- kcal intake (total)
- population increase
- proximity stores
Santiago (Chile)
Score | |
Overall ranking | Below average |
Availability | - |
Food risk | + |
Healthy lifestyle | o |
Accessibility | o |
Affordability | + |
Indicators with a positive effect:
- BMI (food risk)
- population increase
- risk from flood
- proximity stores
- child stunting
- sanitation and hygiene
- climate risk
Indicators with a negative effect:
- arabale land
- BMI (health)
- fresh food production
- Gini-index
- infrastructure
- vegetable/fruit/nuts production
São Paulo (Brazil)
Score | |
Overall ranking | Rather low |
Availability | - |
Food risk | o |
Healthy lifestyle | + |
Accessibility | o |
Affordability | - |
Indicators with a positive effect:
- proximity stores
- climate risk
Indicators with a negative effect:
- arabale land
- ease of doing business
- fresh food production
- Gini-index
- vegetable/fruit/nuts production