
Trusted source 4: Conscious consumers

QM Intelligence is developing a digital platform Questionmark in which the sustainability efforts of food brands become visible to consumers, businesses, buyers, journalists, governments, investors, and other stakeholders. The idea is that if the sustainability policy of food brands becomes visible to the outside world, it is worth it for food brands to distinguish themselves (even more) in terms of sustainability.

To determine the sustainability characteristics of food brands, the Sustainability Consortium questionnaires were used within the Trusted Source project. The questions have been adapted for use in the Netherlands and have been translated into a clear score that can be used in communication with consumers.

Digital sustainability platform

A digital platform with sustainability information was evaluated through a consumer survey as well. This evaluation shows that the information on the digital platform comes across as reliable and clear. The feedback from a focus group (a randomly selected group of consumers) is used to further improve the platform.

In order to efficiently process information about their chains, 2019 involved working on an automated interpretation of label requirements and other projects. An interesting observation is that the announcement of the ranking was the reason for many brands to unearth new information from their production chain. Leaders in the field of sustainability have experienced the publication of the rankings as an important support. In 2020 we will publish a number of those rankings.