Environmental Sciences Laboratories
Wageningen Environmental Research and the Department of Environmental Sciences have access to a number of state-of-the-art research and development laboratories.
Soil Hydro-Physics Laboratory
The Soil Hydro-Physics (SHP) lab is part of Wageningen University and Research (WUR). Thereby the lab is an integral part of the research and advisory work done in the field of 'soil-water-atmosphere'. In the lab we analyse soil samples on, mostly water, gas and nutrients flow and retention. A few examples are the soil water retention (pF), hydraulic conductivity, water stress phenomena, soil structure issues, and capillary water.
DendroLab - Dendrochronology Laboratory
Research on Dendrochronology and Quantitative Wood Anatomy is conducted on different topics related to Forest Ecology and Forest Management.
Ecology Laboratory
The mission of the ecology lab is to gain deeper insight into the workings of ecosystems all over the world. One crucial part of this mission is to unravel and determine the interactions between climate and vegetation.
The Atelier
The Atelier is a creative Research by Design studio at Wageningen Environmental Research. A dedicated group of landscape architects and researchers work together in the Atelier on spatial strategies and solutions towards a green, enabling living environment.
Laboratory for Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA Lab)
The risk assessment facilities form the pulsating heart of the Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) Laboratory, where the Wageningen Environmental Research research team gauges the effects of stressors on the environment by expertly combining measurement, analyses, and experimentation.
Laboratory for Aquatic Ecology
The Laboratory for Aquatic Ecology carries out research on organisms and substances. It looks at how they behave, how certain substances affect organisms, and how substances and organisms behave in interaction with their environment. Important themes include micro-contaminations, the effects of global warming, invertebrates, nutrients, blue algae, marine plastics, and nanomaterials.
Animal Ecology Laboratory
Animal ecology research focuses on the influence of social activities on ecosystem functionality, the resulting pressure this puts on the environment, the state and recovery capabilities of nature and the environment and the impact of biodiversity and health risks for humans. It also contributes to the development of sustainable policy and management solutions.
NCL - Netherlands Centre for Luminescence dating
At the Netherlands Centre for Luminescence dating we develop new and improved luminescence dating methods, and we apply luminescence dating in collaboration with NCL partners and external users.
Soil Biology laboratory
Our Soil Biology lab provides high quality services and training to our partners. We carry out a diverse of soil bio-chemical methods to assess soil quality. We also offer professional training to soil experts, researchers and to students.
Kraijenhoff van de Leur Laboratory for Water and Sediment Dynamics
The experimental research of the Laboratory for Water and Sediment Dynamics mainly focuses on morphological responses to channel flow and overland flow. Current research topics are in the fields of stream restoration, gully erosion, side channels created by longitudinal dams and bedform dynamics.
Proficiency testing WEPAL-QUASIMEME
Wageningen University & Research has advanced facilities for proficiency testing and reference material covered within WEPAL-QUASIMEME. Routine laboratory performance studies are organised by WEPAL-QUASIMEME and provide the basis of external quality assurance for institutes that make regular chemical measurements in the terrestrial, aquatic and/or marine environment. In total, nine accredited proficiency testing programmes are offered to laboratories worldwide. Each of the programmes covers a wide range of determinants. WEPAL-QUASIMEME has experiences in the organisation of proficiency testing since the early 1950s and is accredited for the organisation of Interlaboratory Studies according to ISO17043 since 2000. The Organisation is also compliant to ISO9000 and ISO14001.
Soil Chemistry Laboratory (CBLB)
The Soil Chemistry Laboratory (CBLB) is a leading laboratory for high-quality chemical analyses with a focus on soil, crop and water samples. The lab provides support to research and education of the Environmental Sciences Group of Wageningen University & Research in the field of chemical analysis and soil chemistry, as well as to scientists from other WUR Science Groups.