Recording of point elements

Elements that are smaller than 400m2 and shorter than 30m can be recorded as point elements. There are five options to choose from in recording points;

  1. All point elements are recorded.
  2. All ecologically significant point elements are recorded, including inside forests.
  3. All point elements that are Annex I habitats.
  4. A restricted list of point elements for a given survey.
  5. No point elements are recorded.

There are two situations that help to define the ecological significance of point features:

  1. Point features add to the landscape diversity: Point features represent a particular habitat that adds to the habitat diversity significantly i.e. the habitat is absent as an areal feature. The point feature is thus distinct compared to the surrounding habitat area, because of a sudden change in GHC, environmental qualifier or management qualifier.
  2. Point features which affect the ecological functions on a landscape scale The point feature is important as a habitat, but has a significant influence on the wider landscape. Such features:  i) Induce an ecological process that has an effect, which exceeds the area occupied by the point feature: solitary trees, shrubs, clumps of invasive species; drinking places that attract animals and Karstic caves that provide nesting places for birds and bats; ii) Affect an existing ecological process acting on the landscape scale: weirs on watercourses that hinder migration and constructions for animal crossings across roads.