BIOTRaCes - a giant leap for biodiversity
From now on, biodiversity will have a very strong ally: The EU- funded project BIOTraCes has officially started. It aims to boost biodiversity across Europe through A Theory of Transformative Change.
A giant leap for biodiversity
BIOTraCes is coordinated by a consortium from Wageningen Environmental Research. Rosalie van Dam is head of the team. She is determined to enhance biodiversity along the lines of the European Green Deal and the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations: "With BIOTraCes, we really want to make a difference. We aim to contribute to more inclusive, effective and just public policies, local strategies and corporate concerns on biodiversity." To achieve these goals, BIOTraCes will establish an influencer and stakeholder board to create a strong impact on improving biodiversity in Europe.
A Theory of Transformative Change
The BIOTraCes research team will examine how societal values such as
culture, religion and economy lead to potential power lock-ins and leverage.
This will be the basis for understanding the behavioural patterns which have
caused the dramatic loss of biodiversity throughout Europe.
BIOTraCes in a nutshell
BIOTraCes stands for: Biodiversity and Transformative Change for plural and nature positive societies. The project will run for 48 months until November 30, 2026. The overall budget is € 4.620.652,50. Eleven partners from nine European countries will closely collaborate for the success of BIOTraCes. The nine case studies will be performed in sectors with a particularly high impact on biodiversity. They cover a representative range, including food production, agriculture, forestry, water and fish conservation as well as urbanisation. As a unique feature, BIOTraCes will pay attention to marginalised and religious groups, gender and youth.