
Exposition on sustainable materials in building and clothing

What are sustainable materials when building a house or building a wardrobe? Check out our exhibition My Fossil Free Wardrobe & The Nature Building Kit.

Organised by Wageningen Food & Biobased Research

Mon 3 February 2025 until Fri 14 February 2025

Venue Atlas, building number 104
Droevendaalsesteeg 4
6708 PB Wageningen
+31 (0)317 - 48 08 00

Clothing and housing are basic human needs, next to food. The production of textiles and building materials in the last decades has shifted away from the biobased (renewable) resources which were traditionally used towards (non-renewable) fossil-based and mineral resources. This has contributed to amongst others climate change and (micro)plastic pollution.

It is very well possible to make our textile and building sector biobased again with materials that meet current performance standards. Wageningen University & Research is working on a broad range of biobased materials for buildings and textiles and showcases these materials with two exhibitions in the Atlas building at Wageningen Campus.

In My Fossil Free Wardrobe we show you what biobased fabrics are and which are not, and how they can lead to clothing options that are both stylish and fossil-free.

My Fossil Free Wardrobe
My Fossil Free Wardrobe

The Nature Building Kit lets you experience biobased materials that can be used in buildings, infrastructure and other applications. It also explains the relation between the functional components in biomass and the type of materials which can be made of these components.

The exhibitions are held from the 3rd until the 14th of February in Atlas, Droevendaalsesteeg 104, building 104. On Tuesday the 4th and Thursday the 6th researchers will be present at lunch to tell you more about both the installations. Ask them your questions between 12:00-1:30 PM. We hope to see you there!