Model stewardship
The Wageningen Modelling Group (WMG) developed a proposal to assign model stewards and this role has been adopted in all institutes. The WMG facilitates and coordinates the training and meetings of the model stewards.
Model stewards are extremely important for the professionalization of working with models at WUR. They are the signposts in the organization and translate the needs of researchers to the toolbox being developed and maintained by the WMG. The role of the Model Steward should be described in more detail in 2023 and should be aligned with the data stewards. Next to these activities the model stewards further develop their skills on quality assessments, and some may become model auditor. Another important role is providing input for maintaining and improving (the backend of) the Model Gallery.
Within this KB project hours are available for meetings, including preparation and some small tasks, of the model stewards (8 x 80 h) and coordination by WMG or WDCC members (2 x 50 h). Additional hours need to be budgeted at the institutes.