WUR Perspectives on the future of Agriculture and Nature (WPAN)
To design the future of agriculture and nature in The Netherlands, future perspectives for the period 2023-2050 are needed. Perspectives to foster the necessary transitions towards sustainable agriculture and resilient food systems in a greener world.
There are already many WUR ideas, scenarios and perspectives. However, there is a need to bring these ideas together and to navigate the complexities and trade-offs for safeguarding the future of agriculture and nature in The Netherlands. We distinguish between a beckoning outlook and concrete starting points on how to act.
For our work, we choose 2030 and 2050 as target years. The year 2030 is not too far away and is aligned with the objectives of the EU Farm to Fork strategy. This stresses the sense of urgency. The year 2050 is chosen to design and analyse longer-term transition pathways. The focus is on The Netherlands within the European context of the Green Deal, the Farm to Fork strategy and the Biodiversity strategy. The national level is chosen because of all current problems related to agriculture, nature, water quality and climate change, our densely populated delta country is currently facing. However, given the international position in trade and production of food and non-food of The Netherlands, the European (EU) and global context is inseparably taken into account.
Our work will result in the identification of choices and directions, including drivers, pressures and trade-offs, to feed the discussion on shaping the future of agriculture and nature in the Netherlands. We aim to contribute to a broad dialogue, moving beyond polarisation, with key actors involved. It extends beyond politics, it affects us all. From farmers, chain parties, NGOs, governments, knowledge organisations to citizens and consumers.