Instructions for invoice to CDI
When sending an invoice for products or services to the Centre for Development Innovation, please take notice of the following:
The correct address to state on the invoice, both visitors address and P.O.Box must be mentioned:
Wageningen UR
Centre for Development Innovation
(visitors address: Droevendaalsesteeg 1)
P.O.Box 88
6700 AB Wageningen
The Netherlands
When invoicing from another EU-country do not forget to state both your and our VAT-numbers:
And state clearly on the invoice: VAT reversed, 0%
In case of expenses made, include the receipts as attachment to your invoice and clearly state them on your invoice.
Example: fee and expenses (train, dinner, etc)
The invoice and attachments should be send as 1 PDF file in an email to:
Please do not forget to state your own bank details on the invoice as well, makes paying easier.
Name of the account holder
Your physical address
Account number/IBAN-number
Name of the bank
Address of the bank
If there are any other questions about how to invoice, please email