Air exchange monitor
Air exchange calculator is a Excel™ spreadsheet developed by Pere Muñoz, Juan Ignacio Montero, Davide Piscia and Assumpció Antón (IRTA, Recerca y Tecnologia Agroalimentaries, Barcellona, Spain) to calculate the air exchange rate of a specific multi-tunnel greenhouse due to the natural ventilation.
Natural ventilation is the cooling method most commonly used in greenhouse, because it permits reduction of the temperature for cultivation and the internal CO2 deficit, with a low cost.
The model requires for each greenhouse some data such as the number of spans, number of ventilators, size of each ventilator, the presence or absence of insect-proof screens, etc.
The model also accounts for the possible presence of a windward obstacle such as another greenhouse.
Although the model is a simplification of the very complex process of natural ventilation, it is a useful tool for a quick estimation of the ventilation rate in a greenhouse.
Further information about the use of Air Exchange Calculation can be requested to Dr. Juan Ignacio Montero (
Below the Air Exchange calculation program is given in English and in Italian.
This software is available free of charge. No commercial use, reproduction or distribution is permitted. The developer is not responsible for any kind of damages caused by the use of the software. The entire risk regarding uses, outputs, analyses, results and performance of the software is assumed by the user. The user raises the developer from any liability, expressed or implied, arising out of the application itself.