EUphoros Reports
Research reports concerning the results of the Euphoros project are given below.
Environmental and economic profile of present greenhouse production systems in Europe (and annex)
Presents the environmental and economic assessment of four European scenarios: a) tomato crop in a multi-tunnel greenhouse in Spain; b) tomato crop in a glass greenhouse in Hungary; c) tomato crop in a Venlo greenhouse in the Netherlands; and d) rose crop in a Venlo greenhouse in the Netherlands. Results are based on the Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) (for the environmental analysis) and the Cost-benefit analysis (for the economic assessment).
Guidelines for the use of Biological Control Agents vs. Chemical Control for Specific Pests and Diseases in Novel Greenhouse Structures
Report on economic & environmental profile of new technology greenhouses at the three scenarios
Presents the effect of the integration of some new technologies on the environmental profile and economic profile of European greenhouses. Deliverable 13 highlights the importance of the new greenhouse structures with improved ventilation, as well as the more efficient use of fertilisers in Southern European greenhouses. In Central European greenhouses new energy-saving cultivation methods is the option with major effect on environmental impact reduction and economic profitability.
DSS for optimum ventilation, thermal storage & co2 management for different climates & available sustainable energy sources
The use of technically and economically feasible energy storage systems and the management of those energy storage systems at greenhouses at cluster level both in cold and in warmer climates were determined. A decision support system was developed for minimizing the necessity of ventilation (energy and pest management) while improving crop productivity, also through CO2 fertilization. Besides was studied and developed a method to calculate the optimal CO2 supply rate. Different studies on renewable energy (thermal storage, photovoltaic electricity, biomass heat or geothermal energy) were done with the main objective to define which renewal energies would be economically feasible. According to the different studies, we can clearly say that neither PV nor wind energy can be used economically to cover heating or cooling requirements of the greenhouses.
Fertigation and Substrate Management in Closed Soilless Culture
Evaluation trials of potential input reducing developments in 3 test locations
Advantages of clustering
Presents a case-study of the advantages of clustering different industries in the format of an agricultural-industrial estate in order to meet sustainability goals. Clustering can generate environmental advantages by sharing resources and reusing waste between the greenhouses and industries that form the cluster. It can have also significant advantages in terms of economic efficiency.