Measuring particle properties with image analysis
Wageningen University & Research Glasshouse Horticulture has developed image analysis programmes to measure plant quality and plant growth. Together with ISC (Independent Substrate Consulting, providing advise about production and application of substrates to companies around the word) a commercial available "mid priced" equipment was obtained for method development and service providing.
This equipment is suitable for the analysis of widely differing objects.
Technical possibilities
The equipment was built to discriminate, count and measure image objects in classes. Objects can be measured for dimensions, shape, colour etc. The measurements are reported in columns of data which can be transferred to a number of formats including Excel datasheets with just one mouse click. Wageningen University & Research Greenhouse Horticulture uses Excel turntable techniques to make more complex analyses and good graphics.

So far, the equipment has been used for the development of methods for quality control in the areas of seeds, pilled seeds, fertilizer granulates, substrate particles, substrate fibres and the recognition and counting of certain mites.
Tailored to your needs
We offer image analysis as a service. If you want us to test your material or (microscopic) images, you can simply sent us your material.
We also develop image analysis techniques for organisations that have image analysis equipment available themselves. Wageningen University & Research Greenhouse Horticulture can also test, impriove or expand existing methods, which may include sampling procedures, sample preparation and data analysis.