Vision + Robotics
Agro Food Robotics is now Vision + Robotics.
Our DNA is deeply rooted in agriculture, food, horticulture, marine, and livestock research. Vision + Robotics is powered by Wageningen University & Research, with its century-long legacy of pioneering research in these domains. We bring together a diverse team of experts in AI, computer vision, spectral imaging, and robotic systems from all corners of WUR. This unique synergy creates a powerhouse of tech-savvy individuals, united by a shared commitment to developing high-tech solutions that benefit both people and planet.
We work together with other WUR expertises and industrial partners to design smart vision and robotic systems for agri-food. Visit our new website to stay up-to-date.
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Optimal Breeding with Robotics
Wageningen University & Research is specialised in sensing & plant/animal phenotyping with non-destructive, fast and robust applications. In co-development with machine builders and breeding companies we develop objective methods to collect data for describing variety performances in all stages of (re)production.
Smart Sensing for Optimal Product Quality
We develop smart sensor systems that provide detailed and objective insight into product quality. This enables agrifood companies to optimise processes throughout the chain and extract the maximum value from product quality.
Robotics For Hands-Free Production
The future for food production, handling and processing is hands-free farming, hands-free harvesting & hands-free assessment and monitoring. The skilled workforce that accepts repetitive tasks under harsh climatic conditions is decreasing rapidly.
Towards Circular Food Systems
To provide the optimal treatment to a plant is called precision agriculture, satellite farming or site specific crop management. Precision agriculture is therefore a farming management concept based on observing, measuring and responding to inter and intra-field (arable farming, grassland farming, vegetable farming, nursery tree farming), greenhouse or climate cell, variability of crops.
Responsible Innovation
Vision + Robotics connects governments, sector organisations and companies from the start of a project in interdisciplinary teams to incorporate not only economic, but ethical, environmental, and social opportunities and challenges. By focusing on user-centric design, fair business models, and by tending to ethical values throughout development, we help to achieve what we call Responsible Innovation.
Robotics for wellbeing in Livestock Farming Systems
Taking care of animal welfare and human safety is an important issue in modern farming systems. Therefore Vision + Robotics will also focus on the robot-human-animal-plant interactions for the wellbeing of animals and humans.
Participating Chair Groups
Our areas of expertise
- Computer vision
- Machine learning (AI)
- Spectral imaging
- Robotic systems