Building materials

The Investment Team Transformative Bioeconomy works on the transition towards a circular economy with the biobased building sector as one of its flagships. Building with natural materials is an example of the biobased materials transition pathway.

Biobased building is one of the focal points mentioned in the 2021 Dutch Coalition agreement. The subsequent National Action plan Biobased Building (Nationale Aanpak Biobased Bouwen, 2023-2030) has been launched in the Autumn 2023. The Dutch government has high ambitions regarding the biobased building industry, benefiting the related sectors and the environment. For example, it aims to build 30 percent of new-build homes with at least 30 percent bio-based materials by 2030. Linking at large scale agriculture and forestry to processors and the building industry requires a transformation, for which the transition team circular building economie (Circulaire Bouweconomie) has been launched. There is much focused energy on the topic with many (research) questions to be answered, see for example TKI Bouw en Techniek - TKI Bouw en Techniek ( Wageningen UR can help finding answers on those (research) questions.

  • WUR can contribute to this transition with her knowledge and expertise on
    Production methods - Further development of biomass production in different settings of farmers and land owners, including product choice, processing and application.
  • Material production - Further development of plants varieties and biobased materials, for high-value products and recycling of biobased products
  • Business - Development of new business models for farmers, and processors, including the valuation of Carbon, Nitrogen, and landscape services.
  • Sector transition – Support developing biomass valorization, spatial planning, scaling feasible value chains, and promoting acceptance and attractiveness in industries and society.
  • Spatial perspective – Biobased building materials must be considered from the wide perspective of landscapes, circularity and nature-inclusive building.