
Organic Experimental and Training Farm Droevendaal

Droevendaal Experimental and Training Farm is part of Unifarm. Housed in Kielekampsteeg in Wageningen, it offers facilities, means of production and expertise for research and education covering the organic production chain.

There is special attention for integration of animal, crop and landscape. It is a mixed 50 ha farm with 65 steer calves. Nature occupies 10% of the farm and Droevendaal is part of the Gelderland Ecological Main Structure.


The Organic Experimental and Training Farm Droevendaal offers a unique combination of elements in the organic production chain. The cycle soil-quality-crop-feed-animal-manure-soil-quality etc. and the interaction animal-crop-landscape enable challenging training and research.

Droevendaal is a multifunctional farm where education, research, nature, extension and recreation meet. The farm is a meeting point for pioneering farmers, broad societal organisations, students and researchers but also for consumers and their questions about safe food in a liveable world.