Socio-economic research

LEI Wageningen UR carries out research on the entire food production chain, from producer to consumer and from micro to macro; on regional, national, and international levels.

LEI employs economists and econometrists, public administration specialists, marketing specialists, sociologists, ethicists, and IT experts. LEI employees have specific knowledge pertaining to every agricultural sector and have access to unique data and models. These not only provide information to and about the various sectors, but also generate information which can be interpreted by researchers on the basis of thorough knowledge about the sector and the environment.

Examples of specific LEI products and services
Monitoring and evaluation Impact analyses
Scenario studies Explorations and future studiesVerkenningen en toekomststudies
Social cost-benefit analyses Cost-effectiveness analyses
Multi-stakeholder analyses Market research
Competitiveness studies Development of new earning models
Development of sustainability indicators

LEI is part of the Social Sciences Group (SSG) of Wageningen UR. The Social Sciences Group consists of three components, each with its own position in the chain, from fundamental research to consultancy.