
The power and politics of scale framing

It has become common in the fields of political sciences, public administration and policy sciences to stress the wickedness of societal problems. A characteristic of wicked problems is the involvement of many different actors and several different scales. This allows for scale framing: actors highlight different aspects of a situation as a problem and situate this on different scales. In this project we study how actors discursively engage scales in order to (re)frame the issue and justify or contest what is happening. Framing a problem on a certain scale and or level, is not without consequences. If problems are addressed at a certain scale, this makes a difference in terms of governing ability, in- and exclusion, interests, power and responsibilities of actors.

Refereed journal publications

  • Lieshout, M. van, Dewulf, A., Aarts, N. & Termeer, C. The power to frame the scale. Analysing power in deliberative governance interactions, forthcoming. Policy Sciences.(IF 2.278)
  • Hulst, M. van, Siesling, M., Lieshout, M. van, Dewulf, A. The conflict, the people and the neighbourhood: how news articles frame social disorder, forthcoming. Media, Culture and Society (IF 1.140).
  • Lieshout, M. van, Dewulf, A., Aarts, N. & Termeer, C. Framing scale increase in Dutch agricultural policy 1950-2012, accepted by NJAS-Wageningen journal of life sciences. (IF 0.960)
  • Lieshout, M. van, Dewulf, A., Aarts, N., Termeer, C. (2012). Doing scalar politics: interactive scale framing for managing accountability in complex policy processes. Critical Policy Studies 6 (2), p. 163-181.
  • Lieshout, M. van, Dewulf, A.R.P.J., Aarts, M.N.C., Termeer, C.J.A.M. (2011). Do scale frames matter? Scale frame mismatches in the decision making process of a 'mega farm' in a small Dutch village. Ecology and Society 16 (1): 38. (IF 2.516).
  • Termeer, C.J.A.M., Dewulf, A.R.P.J., Lieshout, M. van (2010). Disentangling scale approaches in governance research: comparing monocentric, multilevel, and adaptive governance. Ecology and Society 15 (4): 29. (IF 2.516).
  • Lampila, P., Lieshout, M. van, Gremmen, H.G.J., Lahteenmaki, L. (2009). Consumer attitudes towards enhanced flavonoid content in fruit. Food Research International 42 (1), p. 122-129. (IF 3.150).
  • Lieshout, M. van, Aarts, M.N.C. (2008). Outside is where it’s at! Youth and immigrants' perspectives on public spaces. Space and Culture 11 (4), p. 497-513. (IF 0.400).
  • Woerkum, C.M.J. van, Lieshout, M. van (2007). Reputation management in agro-food industries: safety first. British Food Journal 109 (5), p. 355 – 366. (IF o.703).

Book chapters and reports

  • Lieshout, M. van, Termeer, C.J.A.M., Dewulf, A.R.P.J. (2011). Colliding scale frames in the decision making about intensive agriculture. In: Eijsackers, H., Scholten, M.C.T. (eds.) Livestock
    farming with care. Summaries of essays, Wageningen UR, p. 37.
  • Aarts, N., Lieshout, M. van, Woerkum, C. van (2011). Competing Claims in Public Space: The Construction of Frames in Different Relational Contexts. In: Rogan, R.G., Donohue, W.A., Kaufman, S. (eds.). Framing Matters. Perspectives on Negotiation Research and Practice in Communication, New York: Peter Lang, p. 23-254.
  • Termeer, C.J.A.M., Breeman, G.E., Lieshout, M. van (2011). Careful trusting in intensive farming In: Eijsackers, H., Scholten, M.C.T. (eds.) Livestock farming with care. Summaries of essays, Wageningen UR, p. 11.
  • Lieshout, M. van; Termeer, C.J.A.M.; Dewulf, A.R.P.J. (2010). Schaken met schalen. In: Eijsackers H., Scholten, M. (eds.) Over zorgvuldige veehouderij. Veel instrumenten, één concert. Wageningen UR, p. 238-249.
  • Termeer, C.J.A.M., Breeman, G.E., Lieshout, M. van, Pot, W.D. (2010). Why more knowledge could thwart democracy: configurations and fixations in the Dutch mega-stables debate In: Veld, R.J. in 't (ed.) Knowledge Democracy. Consequences for Science, Politics, and Media. Heidelberg: Springer, p. 99 - 111.
  • Termeer, C.J.A.M., Breeman, G.E., Lieshout, M. van (2010). Zorgvuldig vertrouwen! In: Eijsackers, H., Scholten, M. (eds.) Over zorgvuldige veehouderij. Veel instrumenten, één concert.
    Wageningen UR, p. 14 - 25.
  • Termeer, C.J.A.M., Lieshout, M. van, Breeman, G.E., Pot, W.D. (2009). Politieke besluitvorming over het Landbouwontwikkelingsgebied Witveldweg in de Gemeente Horst aan de Maas. Wageningen Universiteit, Leerstoelgroep Bestuurskunde.
  • Lieshout, M. van, Aarts, M.N.C. (2006). Competing claims in public space: the construction of frames in interaction. In: Gould, N. (ed.) Engagement. MOPAN 2005. Multi-Organizational Partnerships, Alliances and Networks. Exeter, UK: Short Run Press, p. 195-207.
  • Lieshout, M. van, Aarts, N. (2006). Buiten gebeurt het! Over het belang van publieke ruimtes voor jongeren en immigranten in Nederland. Vrijetijdstudies 24 (3 en 4), p. 35-47.
  • Lieshout, M. van, Aarts, N., Woerkum, C. van (2006). De straat is van ons allemaal. Een studie naar conflicten in de publieke ruimte en de rol van de overheid. Communicatiemanagement, Wageningen Universiteit.
  • Lieshout, M. van, Aarts, N. (2006). 'De straat is van ons allemaal' Hoe governance gestalte krijgt in conflicten over publieke ruimtes. In: Burg, S. van der, Ham, R. van der, Grin, J.(eds.) Beleid in Transities. Wageningen Universiteit, Leerstoelgroep Milieubeleid, p. 103-111.
  • Lieshout, M. van; Aarts, M.N.C. (2005). Framing public space: perspectives of non-institutionalized groups of people in society. In: Gössling, T., Jansen, R.J.G., Oerlemans, L.A.G., (eds.) Coalitions and Collisions. Nijmegen: Wolf Publishers, p. 3-13.
  • Lieshout, M. van, Aarts, M.N.C. (2005). Buiten gebeurt het! Perspectieven van jongeren en immigranten op openbare ruimtes in Nederland. Wageningen Universiteit, Communicatiemanagement.
  • Lieshout, M. van, Woerkum, C.M.J. van (2004). In relatie tot reputatie. Reputatiemanagement en voedselveiligheid. Wageningen UR, Communication Science.

Presentations at international Conferences

  • March 2013 Symposium on Scale in Environmental Governance, Berlin, Germany.
  • July 2012 Multi-Organizational Partnerships, Alliances, and Networks (MOPAN) conference, Wageningen.
  • July 2012 Interpretive Policy Analysis (IPA) conference, Tilburg.
  • June 2011 Interpretive Policy Analysis (IPA) conference, Cardiff, UK.
  • Nov 2010 Scaling and Governance Conference, Wageningen.
  • June 2010 Interpretive Policy Analysis (IPA) conference, Grenoble, France.
  • April 2009 European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) Joint sessions of workshops, Lisbon, Portugal.
  • June 2005 MOPAN conference, Cardiff, UK.
  • June 2004 MOPAN conference, Tilburg.