
WASS Open Call for PhD Positions

August 20, 2018

Wageningen School of Social Sciences opens a call for PhD projects to be funded by its strategic funds and the ESG excellence funds. A total of three PhD positions can be funded, which should start in the first half of 2019.

As the requirements for the scholarships differ slightly, the call is split in two parts. The main difference is that the WASS call requires collaboration between two WASS chair groups whereas the ESG call does not. Also, the WASS call starts from a pre-proposal stage, whereas the ESG call is a single stage call. Submitters can only choose one of the scholarships to apply for.

The scholarships enable WASS to enhance the collaboration between WASS chair groups and to attract new talents. The Open Round Assessment Committee will evaluate both the quality of the proposal as well as the quality of the applicant.